Chapter 11~ Jealy Tae

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Hi my angels! I'm back. Thank you for waiting for me for this long... I'm all done with my studies and I'll update on a regular basis from now on. I hope you all are doing well, please take are of yourself cause you are precious 🌼


Jimin's POV-

"How dare he?"

"Who the hell he thinks he is!"

I saw a man with a strong build, noticeable sharp features and erect posture nuzzling his nose in Eyah's neck, hugging her like his dear Life.

I turned my gaze toward Taehyung who is currently shooting invisible daggers at this unknown clingy man.

Just the moment Taehyung stands up to walk toward them and separate him from Eyah, that man releases Eyah from his arm cage and cups her face, looking at her worriedly.

They aren't at much distance so we can hear them quite well.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? Where the hell did you went Eyah?" He said, looking intensively at Eyah.

Eyah seem to be nervous.... May be because he was someone close to her or .... May be he was someone physically too close to her and the close proximity seems to make her nervous.

"I- actuall- tha-" before she can form proper sentences, taehyung yanked her hand, pulling her into his chest and away from that unknown
Clingy man.

"Who the hell are you to just hug someone out of NOWHERE?" Taehyung said, gritting his teeth. His already sea-deep voice-Voicing out even more huskily and sternly, rough enough to send shivers to the small figure trapped in his arms.

"I should be the one asking you this question!" The unknown clingy man lashed out back at taehyung.

"Tae!" Eyah finally spoke, realising the tension growing between those two men.

"He's my friend, tae! It's okay!" Taehyung narrowed his gaze at her for a moment and then turn to the man.

"It doesn't changes the fact that people should never forget their manners" with a stress on 'manners', the other man scoffs looking away and then looks back at him.

"Oh really! Then what are YOU doing right now! Clingy to her without her consent?" He fired back.

Taehyung seems to be so-done with him, anger steaming out of his eyes, face red hot. He swiftly pushed Eyah to the side and grabs the collar of the unknown clingy man.

"That's none of YOUR business."

It's the first time I'm watching taehyung to be overprotective for a person, actually he never had anyone so dear to him since childhood that i never saw him even caring about anyone, being protective is far off the league. He is a calm and composed man, and now watching him running out of patience is somehow teaching me the perks of Love.

Yes, he's in love her.

That stupid pabo is so naive to even realise that.
Maybe he doesn't realise or accept it for a long time but he does loves her.
And she, she has already given her heart to him a long time ago.

Anyone can tell this just by looking at her face lighting up like a X-mas tree when she looks at him.

Like right now, when she is looking at him being this protective, she's awestruck.

God, I can see taehyung's and that unknown clingy man's knuckles turning white.

Oh come on! I don't want them to go back home with bruises on their pretty faces cause obviously both of them are buring in rage and that unknown clingy man seem to have a well build, definitely gonna give a tough competition to Taehyung.

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