Chapter 7- The Attach 0.2

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At night, ten past eight.

Taehyung's POV~

Man- " You're here! Tsk tsk tsk, that poor girl."

The man said, smirking widely in front of me.

Me and jimin narrowed our eyes after taking a quick glance at eachother.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, moving forward, leaning to his face by bending down to his eye level.

"Ohhhh, looking to your face closely....remind me of someone, Taehyung" the man said, looking straightly into my eyes.

I backed off, confused on how he knows my name.

"How do you know his name?" Jimin asked.

"Why wouldn't I know the great Kim taehyung, the best detective of seoul city, I'm right, isn't it? " He said, smirk never leaving his face.

"That's not what I'm asking you, tell me what do you mean by 'that poor girl'? " I asked, curiously.

"You should know better, she should be at your place, Eyah.... right? " He said, sitting calmly on the chair. Leaning forward, putting his elbows on his thighs, he continued , "or she isn't?....pfftttttt"

He burst out in laughter. "Taehyung, don't listen to him, I think he's just trying to mess with our mind" jimin said, coming forward from where he was standing before.

"Oh, is that so? I think you seriously need to check on her. Who knows you don't find her there." He said, his eyes now turning dark with each word spelled, a sneer plastered on his face.

I asked Jimin to come over to a corner for a minute.

"I have a bad feeling Jimin. He knows about me, he knows about Eyah. Something's wrong. I have a feeling" I said, talking to jimin with my eyes still fixed on the man handcuffed sitting at the other corner of the room... Smirking.

What if he's right?
Thinking this my hands automatically reached the pockets of my pants to take out my cellphone but then I realisation hit me like a truck..

She.. she doesn't have a phone.

"Taehyung calm down" jimin said patting my shoulder before continuing...

"Okay, If you think so.. then we can do this. I'll take him and the other two men to the station for interrogation and you go home and check on Eyah. I hope she fine and he's just bluffing". Jimin said, seriously.

"Will you able to handle this, alone?" I asked, putting hands on my waist. "We've got enough police force. Don't worry, go check on her" Jimin replied.

Nodding my head, I made my way out of the room. Climbing down the stairs, I heard him saying, "You're going to check on her, right.... Pfftttt. Hope you'll like the surprise. " His voice getting louder to reach my ears as my feet advanced on the stairs.


Taehyung's house~

Five past ten pm~

Still Taehyung's POV~

Reaching my house, I bring my hand to open the knob of my door but I couldn't. I just couldn't get myself to face what lies on the other side of the door.

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