Chapter 5- The man with a Tattoo

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Taehyung's POV

"SHUT UP" I yelled and she flinched.

"Can't you just keep quiet for a freakin' minute?" When my eyes met her glassy ones, I could see she was ... Hurt.

I felt like a shiver taking over my body. The warm feeling which she made me feel was ... Lost.

She stood up quietly and left without saying a word. I made my way out of the house.

On the phone-

"Jimin-ssi" I said, with a sad voice. He's the only one who has known me the longest, he's the one I turn to whenever I am suffering through something I can't handle myself. Her eyes... I can't get her terrified, shocked and hurt face out of my mind.

"Is everything alright?" Jimin asked.

"Meet me at the usual spot!" With this I ended the call and made my way toward the usual cafe we hangout sometimes.


At the Cafe-

"WHAT?" Jimin exclaimed.

"Are you dumb or what Taehyung? I know you are not the best person to adapt to changes or to socialise but this is wrong. That girl woke up early in the morning to cook for you, she cooked whole damn meal and you didn't even thanked her?" He asked, more like low-key yelling at me.

"I-I didn't!" I said, lowering my gaze from his face to the table.

"And then you yelled at her for no reason at all when she wlas trying to lighten up your mood after work. Are you freakin' out of your mind taehyung?"

"I was disturbed, i spat that in anger. I-I really never wanted to hurt her " I said, avoiding Jimin's eyes.

"What's bothering you taehyung-ah? Tell me. You can do this, you can't behave like this with her, you know that, right?" he said, in a tone softer than before.

"I don't want her to do anything for me. I never wanted her to stay with me in the first place. You don't understand Jimin, I'm a loner. I-i have been alone most part of my life, I was never close to anyone. "

"But Taehyung, how is she related to this? It's good you have a company n-" I cut him off.

"NO no- that's what I don't want!" I said, gulping the drink have in hand.

"But why? She is there atle-" he asked again, his eyes completely focused on my face.

"For how long? She is there with me for how long? When we'll solve this case, she'll be free to go where ever she wants to. Have you ever thought what will happen to me. I don't want to get used to her presence. I was never affected by any woman after my mom but she... She has an unexplainable effect on me."

There was silence, even jimin didn't dare to speak.

"You are no different than me Jimin, our life is on the line every minute. Have you ever thought how it feels to have a beautiful woman cooking breakfast for you in the morning, wearing comfy clothes and looking cuter than ever. Have you ever thought what it feels like to go home and see a woman sleeping on your couch, waiting for you; have you ever felt how it feels when someone tries to take care of you. Have you?"

*Silence silence silence*

"Have you ever thought what you'll feel when you have everything and you lost it one day? That's what I don't want to happen. She waited for me yesterday and I saw her sleeping on the couch, it's been a few days I have known her but she... It's hard to say but I'm afraid to get attached to her. I don't want to get attached to anyone all my life after what happened with my family." I said, with a melancholy in my voice, pitying myself.

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