Bun in the Oven🍞

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Maya POV(surpriseee)

I've noticed that after my date with Liam I have been experiencing a lot of nausea and some weird food cravings. For a few days I thought I was just sick but now it's been a few weeks and what scares me is that I've been here before and I think I know exactly what's happening. I'm afraid that I'm right because I want to be right but I also don't want to be right. 

Bear went to his friend's and he is spending the night there so I decided to go to the pharmacy to go and get a pregnancy test. I go three and I got the ones that one of the workers said were the most accurate.    

I got back home and took the tests and I have to wait 5 mins till they are done. I'm sitting on my bed just going back and forth between if I want to tell Liam about this baby or not (that is if it's positive) I don't know if Liam is ready for a child he has a career and I can't hold him back with a child. 

My alarm rings and takes me out of my thoughts and I get up to go to the bathroom that's connected to my room. I get ready to turn over the tests to see the results...

The first test says...POSOTIVE 

The second one says...POSOTIVE 

Lastly the third one says...POSOTIVE

I was freaking out because the last time that this happened it didn't turn out well. I got pregnant with Bear and when I told the father he gave up on me saying it was a mistake he left the country as if leaving me pregnant wasn't enough. I went through the pregnancy alone and Bear grew up 15 years without a father. I wasn't ready for another man to leave me. 

Especially Liam, after 16 years I finally felt loved again. I haven't dated since Bear was born and now that I've met Liam I don't know if there is anyone I'd rather spend my life with. I'm not ready to lose him so I can't tell him about the pregnancy.   

The doorbell rang and as I walk to answer I just hope it's not Liam because I can't face him now. I open the door to come face to face with my 15 year old son holding flowers a box of chocolates and a Mother's Day card. But when he saw my appearance he put the stuff gently on the table and brought me to the couch and hugged me.

"Mom what's wrong, why were u crying?" Bear asked concerned

"Nothing it's nothing" I sniffled "I though you were at your friends house why are you home?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Mom you really think I was gonna spend Mother's day at my friends house, after everything you have done for me" He chuckled giving me a tissue "Now stop trying to change the subject, now why were you crying?" He asked once again 

I knew he wasn't giving up so I decided to tell him "Well I haven't been feeling good these past few weeks and I kept think I was pregnant" I paused and pointed to my room.

He got up and came back with three positive pregnancy tests and a smile on his face.

"Mom r u pregnant?" He asked with excitement in his voice

"Yea I am" I answered sadly

"Hey, hey, why are you upset Mom I'm finally gonna be a big brother, and it's Liam's kid right, so that's good" He assured me

"No babes, Liam is gonna run away just like your dad I was pregnant with you and he completely erased me from his life, I can't do that again I can't lose Liam" I stated

"Mom have you learned nothing in the past month or two, Liam would never leave us he is the closest thing I have ever had to a Dad and I don't wanna lose him either, but when he found out that I was your kid he didn't run away so why would he now." Bear stated.

I nodded and we went on the rest of Mother's Day with Bear pampering me and taking care of me and by the time I wen to bed I was actually more excited to tell Liam about the baby rather than terrified. I knew everything was gonna be alright. 

(A/N- In honors of Mother's Day Maya is gonna be a Mom again yay!!

Bear thinks of Liam as his Dad🥺🥺

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