Oneshot continues

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Hey guys it's me Angel your Bisexual ace friend or sister! I am back into origins and since season 3 or OOO is coming back I am pretty excited so I wanna write fanfics again. Now I will not be doing MHO I personally only watched half of Ritchie's episodes I didn't watch any other so I know none of the relationship besides Ana and Kol. But any other origins is good also keep it strictly origin don't bring in like Bryan's fnaf series or any other series outside of origins please. Give really detailed requests for longer chapters. If you give me like half a request then whatever I want to do after I will only do your half request. ALSO NO INCEST so like an OOO don't make gods date demigods that are family 1 or the reason I stopped making oneshots. ABSOLUTELY NO PEDOPHILE OR UNDERAGE RELATIONSHIPS do not ship minors with adults I will most likely block you if I see you keep doing it. ALSO RESPECT OTHER SHIPS I don't care if you ship Brypu or Brakey ships are ships they are meant to be shared opinions. Also you can only leave requests on this chapter I want my comments on oneshots to be filled about the oneshot.

Now for a treat... I am going to create an OOO rp so if you would be interested let me know and I can make that happen. Well hope to see you all soon love ya!

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