Chapter 1:Strike on Ilmaer

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A Legion fleet exited lightspeed over the Alliance world of Ilmaer. They were immediately attacked by the Alliance ships defending the planet. The Legion retaliated in kind, swarming the enemy fleet with star fighters. The Alliance fighters returned the favor, taking down several dozen of the Legion, along with a number of their capital ships. The Legion fleet pushed forward, encircling the Alliance forces and disabling most of them.

A ship exited the Legion flagship's hangar, and headed to the Alliance dreadnought. Six Legion Knights and a squad of Legion Commandos exited, and attacked the Alliance soldiers in the hangar. Several of the Commandos went down, blasted by golden plasma bolts, but the five Legion Knights protected the rest with shields of earth, water, air and lightning. They and the remaining Commandos carved through the Alliance soldiers, killing most of them within several minutes.

Gyros killed a few more with metal disks, and another group with a barrage of earth attacks. Deraal and Exeroz combined their water and air wielding, Exeroz pinning a group of soldiers in an air grip, and Deraal finishing them off with ice shards. Oteara and Judeor crushed a few with air wielding, and electrocuted several more with blue and gold lightning. Lorya blasted several from her energy gun. Judeor decapitated several with his saber staff, and Exeroz hurled his energy staff at four others, slaying them all.

Suddenly, a water wave struck them. Five Altiris Knights, and three Kai Tor Luso warriors faced them, weapons drawn. They attacked, and the Legion Knights defended.

Two of the Knights attacked Judeor. The water wielder, and a mind and lightning wielder. The water wielder slashed with his sword, and the other attacked with a staff. Judeor blocked both attacks with his saber staff and sent out an air wave. The two Knights combined water and mind, blocking his attack. The mind wielder attacked his consciousness, and the water wielder sent out a barrage of ice shards, which Judeor swept aside with another air wave. The water wielder struck him with a water whip, and the mind wielder simultaneously struck him with a burst of red lightning.

Judeor felt the two attacks shock him, but ignored the pain. He got back to his feet and attacked them, pushing the water wielder away with a triple kick to the chest. The mind wielder launched a torrent of lightning at him, while maintaining the assault on his mind. Judeor concentrated, repelling the assault with some difficulty. The Knight's mind wielding was certainly impressive, but by no means powerful enough to nullify his power. He reached out with his hand, repelling the lightning, much to his foe's astonishment.

"Not bad, Knight. Not bad at all", he complimented, and sent out his own lightning. The Knight foolishly tried to absorb the attack, but the gold bolts escaped his attempts to control, shocking him. Judeor sent him into the floor with an air wave. Then, the water wielder attacked him again. Judeor blocked his strike and bashed him on the temple with the flat of his blade. His foe retaliated with an ice spear, and swept him off his feet with a water whip. The other Knight tried to exploit his distraction, breaking through his concentration, and shocking him with red lightning.

Judeor fought back, and, feeling the mental grip around his power loosen slightly, and rolled back to his feet. The two Knights converged on him, pummeling him with mind, water and lightning attacks, all of which he withstood or redirected. 

Lorya blocked the Kai Tor Luso's strike and shoved her sword away. She fired, sending an energy ball at her foe. The warrior blocked with her sword, and attacked her again, and again. Lorya blocked her strikes, and tried to push her away, but the Kai Tor Luso warrior did not let up, giving her no time to use her energy gun. She kicked her in the shin, and slammed her elbow into her sternum, and delivered a pommel strike to her jaw. Lorya landed several punches to her torso, and locked her sword arm in place. The warrior tried to resist, but the Legion Knight twisted the weapon out of her wrist and pushed her away. Unarmed, she was unable to defend herself from the energy ball Lorya fired at her, and flew back several feet, straight into Oteara's energy blade.

Judeor clenched his fist, crushing the water wielder's wind pipe, and dropped the limp body to the floor. The mind wielder blasted him with lightning, which he channeled into an air blast, slamming the mind wielder into the hull of the ship. He rushed forth, and attacked his foe, blocking his staff attacks, and unleashed a barrage of his own attacks, pummeling his foe with gusts of wind, bursts of gold lightning and lightning-fast saber staff attacks. It became too much for the Altiris Knight to handle, and Judeor powered through his guard, and thrust his blade into his heart. Just then, the Knight released a torrent of lightning. Judeor ignored the pain, and withdrew his weapon from his foe's chest. He sent a bolt of lightning to his head, finally ending him.

The two Kai Tor Luso warriors forced Gyros to his knees, disarming him of his weapon, and raised their weapons to finish him off. Exeroz and Deraal attacked them before their blows could land, killing one of them, while the other managed to evade. She knocked Gyros out and attacked Deraal. As she slowly got the upper hand, the water wielder struck her with an ice spear, knocking her off balance, and ended her with an ice blade to the neck.

"Let's get the hell outta here!" said Judeor, as the six of them made their way to the Legion shuttle, and back to their fleet, which by this time had taken out the remaining Alliance ships.

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