Chapter 13:Retreat

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It has been four days since Judeor's capture, and Alaea's return to the Alliance. The Alliance fleet dispersed, to protect Kyrama, Alveor, Vanraael, Akalos, Ykamas, Laxis and Keir Kala.

Judeor looked out into the space, waiting, preparing for the battle. The Legion ships slowly dropped out of lightspeed, and headed for the Alliance fleet in Ykamas's orbit. Judeor led a small battle group down to the planet's surface. Two Altiris Knights and two Kai Tor Luso warriors confronted him, along with several hundred Alliance soldiers.

Judeor drew his saber staff, and prepared to wield magic. The four attacked. He blocked an energy shot, and repelled a burst of lightning. He unleashed an air blast, pushing the Knights away. He ducked under a sword, and struck back, pounding away at the Kai Tor Luso warrior's defenses. The two Altiris Knights recovered, and the lightning wielder hit him with a burst of red lightning. Judeor swept him aside with an air wave, and snapped the other Knight's neck.

The two Kai Tor Luso warriors attacked him again, and one slammed him into the ground with a powerful kick to the head. Judeor rolled back to his feet and struck back, cutting the warrior's cheek, and blasted the other with lightning, killing her on the spot. He turned his attention to the other Kai Tor Luso, but was blasted with lightning, as the surviving Altiris Knight attacked him from the back, the Kai Tor Luso aiding him.

Judeor pushed him away with a kick and pounded away at the Knight's defenses, cutting off his hand and went in for the killing blow. His foe placed his other hand on his chest, and unleashed a torrent of lightning. Judeor absorbed the red bolts, and retaliated with his gold. He stabbed his foe in the gut, and withdrew the blade through the Knight's torso, cutting his neck, and let the corpse drop to the ground, his weapon falling beside him. He turned his attention to the remaining Kai Tor Luso warrior, blocking his sword strike and pushed him away with an air wave. He rushed forth, closing the distance between them. He sidestepped a thrust and spun, slamming his elbow into his foe's jaw. The warrior tried to retaliate, but Judeor locked his sword arm and impaled him in the heart.

The Legion soldiers routed the Alliance forces, and only a few managed to escape, jumping to lightspeed before they could be stopped.

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