Chapter 9:Overpowered

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"Judeor, in the Legion, you are regarded as the most powerful warrior, besides Lynaxa and Xyron. I intend to see what you are actually capable off", said Eon, as he drew his sword staff. "Are you sure?" asked Judeor, apprehensive. "Don't let my age lure you into a false sense of security. I am just as powerful in my old age as I was in my prime, and far more experienced", Eon replied.

Judeor took a deep breath, and drew his own weapon. Eon attacked, surprising his grand son with his strength and speed. Despite being in his mid 80s, the Altiris Knight was still a power to be reckoned with. Judeor quickly found himself on the defensive, unable to strike back-so powerful were Eon's attacks. Wanting to clear space, Judeor gathered his power, and released an air blast, pushing Eon back a few feet. "I was hoping for a more potent attack from the best servant of Lynaxa and Xyron", Eon said, and let loose a torrent of green lightning. Judeor tried to absorb it with his gold, and for a moment, it looked like he succeeded, though the illusion was quickly shattered. Eon's green bolts struck home, and he sent his opponent to the ground with a water wave. He wielded fire, water, light and lightning, pummeling Judeor with his power.

Suddenly, Judeor's lightning and air shields faded away, his flow of power cut off by a mental veil around his mind. The elemental inferno swerved around him, nearly blinding him with its sheer brightness. Then, it faded away, and Judeor felt the mental barrier around his mind disappear.

"You fought surprisingly well, all things considered", Eon said. "Perhaps he would do better against a less powerful opponent", Rokitas said, as he drew his energy sword, and activated the bronze blades. "I accept" Judeor said, feeling a burst of anger.

His uncle faced him, his energy sword at the ready. Judeor took a moment to recover, and raised his weapon, settling into a defensive stance. Rokitas attacked, his bronze blades clashing with Judeor's saber staff. He released a burst of green fire, which Judeor absorbed, and channeled into an air and lightning blast. Rokitas conjured a fire shield, blocking the air and absorbed the lightning into himself, using the energy as fuel for his attack. Judeor blocked his strikes, and countered with his own, but Rokitas punished him with a fire whip that burned a few strands of his hair, and a hilt strike to the chin. He pushed him away with a triple kick to the chest, just as Judeor seized him in an air grip and threw him against the ground.

Rokitas rolled back to his feet and blocked a barrage of cleaves. Then, Judeor channeled lightning along his blade. The lightning enhanced the power of his attack, zapping Rokitas and unbalancing him. Before he could recover, Judeor struck him with an air and lightning blast, throwing him a few meters back. He enveloped himself in an air ball, and jumped, as several fire spurts erupted from the ground. Rokitas gathered his power and unleashed a torrent of fire. Judeor defended with air and lightning. The three elements collided again, creating a small explosion, slamming both against the ground. They got back to their feet and attacked again. As their weapons clashed, it was clear that despite Judeor's incredible dueling skills, Rokitas was just better, if only slightly. Judeor gave the fight all he had, but Rokitas evaded and locked his arm in place, pushing him down to his knees, and held his weapon inches away from his neck.

As the day progressed, Judeor and Lorya grew more comfortable around their family, quickly realizing how much they missed out on. Their allegiance to Lynaxa and Xyron was rejected.

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