Chapter 17:A New Threat

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Itreal, Valhares and Lurana stood over the table, along with Captain Kollves, analyzing the latest reports of increased Legion activity. "They haven't been active in this sector since the beginning of the war. The last time they launched an attack here, they were pushed back, with relatively minor losses for us. This newfound confidence is odd", Lurana said. "Maybe they were trying to lull us into a false of security", said Kollves. "Perhaps. Or they have some new weapon ready to be deployed. Either way, this is concerning", said Itreal.

"Captain, a large object is emerging from hyperspace!" called an officer. "Shields up and launch fighters!" Kollves ordered.

As the Alliance fleet moved away from the planet, a gigantic battle station emerged. "What the- Red plasma bolts launched out of the guns, destroying a swath of Alliance ships, and a volley penetrated Kyrama's planetary shield, and destroyed the Alliance base. The remaining vessels fired on the station, but its shields were too powerful. More blasts came, and more Alliance ships blew.

Then, a Legion fleet emerged around them, cutting off any escape routes. Boarding crafts flew to the flagship, and a few made through, unloading several dozen Legion troops, with Gyros, Oteara, Deraal and Yaren leading the charge.

Lurana, Valhares and Itreal met them with a squad of Alliance soldiers, and the two sides clashed. The Alliance soldiers were quickly overwhelmed by the enemy sheer numbers, and gunned down. Lurana electrocuted several with a burst of red lightning, and cut down two more with her energy pike. Valhares and Itreal released waves of fire, earth and metal, and killed a group with mental attacks.

Yaren and Gyros attacked Itreal and Valhares, while Oteara and Deraal battled Lurana.

Lurana leapt over a water whip and sent a volley of lightning balls at Deraal. Oteara attacked with her purple energy blade, and Lurana defended, landing several cuts on her arms. A water wave slammed into her, sending her to the floor. She leapt back up and absorbed a torrent of lightning from Oteara, and directed the energy at Deraal, breaking through his ice wall, and knocking him out with the extra power.

Oteara seized her in an air grip, and poured lightning into her, her rage fueling her. Lurana absorbed the attack, and, as Oteara started choking her, she released the energy in a powerful blast, sending both to the floor.

Valhares blocked Yaren's earth balls, and retaliated with fire. Yaren attacked his mind, and the fire faded away. Earth and metal slammed into the Altiris Knight, sending him into a wall. Valhares met the mental attack with his own mind, nullifying Yaren's, and scorched his face. Yaren stumbled back, and drew earth energy to the wound, numbing the pain somewhat. Valhares did not let him finish, attacking with his spear. The blade pierced Yaren's gut, and a fire wave threw the Legion Knight back.

Valhares continued his attack, but an earth fist sent him to the floor. Gyros ran to finish him off, but an earth wall blocked his path. Itreal sent metal disks at Gyros, but they were intercepted by Deraal's ice shards. Lurana cracked the shards, and cut Deraal across the back, pushing him to the floor with a kick, where he remained. Valhares, Itreal and Lurana attacked Gyros and Yaren together, locking down their wielding. A few minutes, and they would be able to subdue them.

Suddenly, red plasma bolts struck Valhares, disrupting his concentration. His armor protected him from the worst of the damage, but the blasts still unbalanced him. At that moment, Gyros struck, sending him to the floor with an earth fist. Yaren crumpled the metal around Lurana, and Gyros attacked Itreal, knocking him off balance and disarmed him. The surviving Legion soldier fired again, sending a volley of plasma bolts at his head. The blasts never reached him. Gyros stepped into their path, and deflected them. He immobilized the soldier and sent a metal disk at his neck, slitting his throat.

Yaren suppressed Lurana's lightning energy, and waved his hand, causing her to fall asleep.


"Captain, the Legion Knights are coming through!" called a soldier. "Gather all remaining troops here and seal off the bridge. We shall make them work for their victory", Kollves ordered. "Yes sir."

The captain activated his com link. "Lyra, Lurana, Itreal and Valhares were beaten. We shall delay the Legion for as long as we can. You must leave. Tell Grand Admiral Gaerval about the battle station. Tell them to send whatever forces they can muster. This battle station must not remain in the Legion, else the Alliance is doomed", he said. "I am leaving at once, sir", Lyra replied, and ended the call. "Good luck. For all our sake, I hope you make it", Kollves muttered.

Lyra crept to the hangar, evading a group of Legion soldiers, only to come face to face with another.

"You, don't move!" one of them ordered, aiming his blaster rifle at her. "Make me, Legion scum", Lyra shot back, drawing her sword, and blocked several bolts. One hit her in the shoulder, and another in her hip. She blocked a bolt, sending it back at the lead soldier, hitting him in the head.

The other five fired again, but she dropped, and slid under the volley. She came back up and slammed the pommel of her sword into one's jaw. She ducked a punch and slam kicked the soldier, pushing him into one of his comrades, sending both to the floor. The other two drew their daggers, and circled her. One kicked, but she evaded the attack and struck back. He caught her punch and twisted her arm. She evaded an attack to the head and reversed her grip on the sword, stabbing it into the soldier's neck, killing him. She wrenched the blade out, and faced the other.

The three she knocked down joined the last, and the four came at her together. She leapt over one's attack and knocked his helmet off his head. A few more blaster bolts came her way, but she blocked them with the deflector shield on her forearm. She decapitated the lead soldier, and knocked another off his feet.

He came back up and the three attacked with their daggers, but she leapt to safety and shot two with her blaster. The last one evaded her shots and tackled her to the floor. She slammed her knee into his gut, and pulled off his helmet. He slammed his elbow into her chest, and raised his fist for a knockout blow. She locked his arm and aimed her blaster at his temple, pulling the trigger.

She came back up to her feet, and sheathed her sword, keeping her blaster in her hand. She rushed to the hangar, and, to her relief, found it empty, save for a few soldiers, that were too far away to notice her. She spotted her personal star fighter, and ran to it, getting into the cockpit. She activated the engine, and, as the soldiers in the hangar noticed her, turned her guns on them, and shot all three. She launched the ship into open space, where a few Alliance ships were still fighting.

"Block their path to her", Captain Kollves ordered, as he spotted a squadron of Legion fighters chasing Lyra.

The remaining four corvettes, a frigate and several Alliance fighters cut them off, destroying all 12. Kollves allowed a small smile to cross his face, as he saw Lyra jump to hyper space. He turned back to the bridge door, on the other side of which, the Legion troops were trying to break through. They were nearly done. The 40 or so Alliance soldiers with him raised their blasters, ready to fire on their enemy.

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