Chapter 21:Massacre

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Hordes of dark energy creatures rushed forward, shredding the Alliance soldiers left and right. Alaea, Eon, Reola and Rokitas conjured their own light, water and fire creatures respectively, but it didn't seem to matter. Somehow, Lynaxa's dark army seemed limitless. Their elemental creatures were vastly outnumbered.

"Go forward. I need to gather my energy", Eon said. Judeor, Lorya, Etna, Erialas, Aruon, Reola, Rokitas and Alaea proceeded, clearing the dark creatures before them. They sensed the energy gathering behind them, focusing at a single point, and then washing over them. The fire, ice, light, lightning and mental inferno that Eon released caused no harm to them, but obliterated everything before them. Eon joined them, and wiped out another swath of the creatures with a fire wave. He unleashed a burst of fire and lightning, the combination of energies generating a powerful blast that burned everything within a hundred meters ahead.

The magic severely drained Eon's old body, and he was forced to stay back.

Judeor, Aruon, Etna, Erialas and Lorya covered the others' flanks, allowing them to focus on the creatures and Legion forces before them. The Alliance army continued its assault, slowly pushing the Legion back.

Suddenly, Lynaxa and Xyron appeared before them, along with several dozen Legion Knights, whose white eyes washed over them in a cold wave.

Rokitas attacked Xyron, while Alaea and Reola battled Lynaxa. Judeor, Lorya, Aruon, Etna, Erialas and Eon held off the undead Knights and the dark energy creatures.

Rokitas spun his saber staff, the bronze blades clashing with Xyron's blue. They were evenly matched, neither able to find an opening. Not even with their elements, earth, mind and fire respectively, could either gain an edge.

Reola released a rain of ice shards, and followed up with a barrage of staff strikes. Alaea added balls of light and swift sword attacks. Lynaxa blocked their magic with a dark energy shield, and retaliated with a blast of black lightning. Alaea blocked with a light shield and Reola sent out a storm of ice shards. Alaea distracted Lynaxa, cutting a deep gash in her arm, allowing Reola to get closer. Her staff cracked against Lynaxa's temple, and her ice blade pierced her side. An air blast sent them both to the ground, and metal pinned them. Alaea unleashed a beam of light, buying herself just enough time to melt her restraints and free Reola.

They attacked with their weapons, not allowing Lynaxa to use her magic again. The injury on Lynaxa's arm slowed her down, and soon, she sustained several to her shoulder and legs. Suddenly, as Reola came in for a deathblow, Lynaxa teleported behind them, and sent a lightning surge into the ground, electrocuting them. More dark creatures appeared, and attacked them.

Alaea cut them down with light blades, and Reola unleashed a water wave, which Lynaxa met with her own, overwhelming her and sent her to the ground with an earth fist. Sensing danger, Reola leapt back to her feet, just as fire erupted from where she lay a second ago. More such fires erupted, but the Altiris Knights were able to evade them. As Lynaxa wielded more dark energy, Alaea sent a beam of light at her hand, and the combination of energies exploded, burning Lynaxa's hand.

Reola sent the distracted dark wielder to her back, and slammed her staff into her sternum. Lynaxa pushed her back with an air wave, and got back to her feet. At that moment, a beam of light burned through her left arm, rendering it immobile. Reola moved quickly, and slammed her staff into the Legion Knight's elbow, dislodging it. Both of Lynaxa's arms hung useless by her sides. The Altiris Knights rushed at her, but, their foe teleported. Lightning, fire and dark energy rained down on them.

When the storm abated, they attacked again, but the distraction bought Lynaxa enough time to heal her arms, and she fought back, not allowing them to get close.

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