Chapter 11:Captured

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A huge Legion fleet emerged over Alveor, and fired on the Alliance ships. The Alliance personnel scrambled to repel the attack, firing back at the Legion vessels. A battle group slipped through the defensive lines, and landed several miles away from the Altiris Academy.

Gyros, Exeroz, Oteara, Deraal, Xyron, and twelve other Legion Knights approached the building, along with several hundred Legion soldiers and a few platoons of tanks. Valhares, Itreal, Kirtan, Akala, Kylara, Judeor, Lorya, Reola, Rokitas, Eon, Ametir, Erialas, Etna, Aruon, Renlas and Lurana were waiting for them.

Gyros, Exeroz, Oteara, Deraal and four of the other Knights faced Itreal, Judeor, Valhares, Akala, Kylara, Lurana, Kirtan, Lorya and Renlas. Xyron and the other four Knights attacked Eon, Reola, Rokitas, and the four Kai Tor Luso warriors.

Exeroz widened his eyes, as Judeor faced him, his saber staff drawn. "Why?" asked Exeroz. "For twenty four years of our lives, Lynaxa and Xyron lied to us. I and Lorya were kept in the dark. Lynaxa killed our parents, and turned us against our family, our people. Until now, we fought for her to gain control over the galaxy. No more. From this day, we shall fight to take it back. Never again shall we fight against our family", Judeor replied. "Are you going to kill us all, too?" Exeroz asked. "No. You are my friends. I have nothing against you, so please, step aside", Judeor said.

"I am afraid I can not allow that", Exeroz drew his weapon, activating the green blades. "Then, I am sorry, old friend", Judeor adjusted his grip on his saber staff, and approached him, his face grim, reluctant. Exeroz blocked his first strikes and unleashed an air wave, which Judeor countered with his own, blowing him back. He retaliated with a torrent of lightning, which Exeroz blocked with his energy blades. Judeor unleashed a flurry of overhead cleaves, drawing on his strength. Exeroz's arms shook with the effort of blocking his blows, and his inferior reflexes made it difficult for him to defend against Judeor's lightning. Judeor then surprised him with a draw cut across his shoulder, and reached out with his hand, releasing a blast of lightning, blowing Exeroz back.

Itreal, Valhares and Akala struck at Gyros. The Legion Knight blocked their attacks with an earth wall, and retaliated with metal disks. Itreal and Akala blocked the disks with earth walls, and sent out their own, while Valhares went on the offensive, shooting out massive fire blooms, and fire spurts from the ground. Gyros was quickly forced on the defensive, unable to withstand the Altiris Knight's assault. Had Valhares been alone, Gyros would have been able to match him, but, with two more powerful Altiris Knights at his side, he stood no chance. The three pushed him back, and Akala locked him with her energy whip. She pulled him close and slammed the pommel into his temple, knocking him out.

Kylara and Lurana attacked Oteara, showering her with air and lightning attacks. Kylara attacked with her sword, but Oteara met the blow with her purple energy blade. She pushed Lurana away with an air wave and sent out a burst of lightning, which Kylara blocked. Lurana retaliated with her own powers, but Oteara absorbed her attack, channeling the power into an air blast, sending both into disabled tanks. Kylara managed to soften her impact with air, but Lurana wasn't so lucky.

Oteara approached the unconscious Lurana, and raised her weapon for the deathblow. Kylara gripped her weapon tight and rushed forth, dashing with air. She blocked Oteara's strike, and pushed her away with a slam kick to the chest. Valhares, Itreal and Akala rushed to her aid. "This is over. You have lost", Valhares said. "Not yet", Oteara said, and unleashed a lightning storm, knocking out Itreal, Akala and Kylara, though Valhares's basic connection to lightning, shared by all fire wielders, allowed him to absorb some of the energy.

He channeled the power into a fire blast, blinding Oteara and knocked her out with a slam to the temple.

Renlas, Kirtan, Valhares, Lorya, Aruon, Ametir, Etna, Erialas and Judeor were struck with a wave of earth, the power behind the attack rendering them all unconscious.

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