Chapter 14:First Light

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Two years later...

The bulk of the Alliance forces have been pinned down at Alveor, with a few battle groups scattered across the Alliance territory. The Legion forces have surrounded them, cutting off their retreat.

Renlas, Kylara, Itreal, Erialas, Aruon, Etna and Lorya had been separated from the main group.

With the majority of the Alliance fleet gathered at Alveor, Judeor led a group of Legion Knights to attack Ykamas.


The Legion battle group pummeled the Alliance ships with red plasma bolts, destroying them one by one. Four dreadnoughts fired on the flagship, damaging its lightspeed drives, and sending the ship careening towards the planet, into its orbit.

"We have to abandon the ship!" Kylara exclaimed, as she, a group of Alliance soldiers, Itreal, Renlas, Erialas, Aruon and Etna rushed to the escape pods. They and a few Alliance commandos jumped into pods, and ejected. The ship exploded a few seconds later. The blast pushed the two pods forward, messing up their trajectory. Instead of landing at the Alliance base, they were sent far away from it, and the surrounding cities and towns. A Legion shuttle and eight troop carriers followed them.

Kylara, Renlas, Itreal, Erialas, Aruon, Etna and 60 Alliance soldiers, seven of them Commandos, jumped out of the pods. Then, the Legion ships landed. Soldiers poured out, surrounding them, followed by Judeor and six more Legion Knights.

Itreal, Renlas, Kylara and Etna drew their weapons. The Legion Knights attacked. Kylara faced Judeor, while Renlas, Itreal and Etna, Erialas and Aruon battled the others.

Itreal brought up an earth wall, blocking a dark energy beam, and launched a volley of metal disks at his foes. The dark energy wielder blocked with a rapier, and the air wielder released an aerokinetic blast, breaking through Itreal's wall, and sending him to the ground. Itreal blocked several air whips with an earth wall and sent out an earth fist, pushing his foe away. The dark energy wielder lunged, but Itreal sidestepped the attack and sent dust into the Knight's eyes. The air wielder cleared the space around them, blowing Itreal back. The two attacked him together. He evaded the rapier and channeled earth energy into his hand, his enhanced durability allowing him to stop the air wielder's spear thrust.

He leapt back, just narrowly dodging a dark energy barrage. He turned the ground under their feet into quicksand, but the air wielder levitated them out of it, and sent an air torrent at him. Itreal's earth wall shattered, and the air sent him several meters back. A dark energy wave grazed his shoulder, and several air spikes struck him in the gut. Itreal sent an earth fist at the air wielder's back, pushing her towards him and struck with another earth fist. The other Knight attacked with dark energy, and Itreal blocked his attacks with earth and metal.

He evaded a black beam and palm slashed the air, cutting several gashes in the ground under his foe, knocking him off balance. The Knight attacked again, but Itreal sidestepped the stab and threw him back with an earth fist. An air blast slammed into him, sending him off his feet. Itreal wielded a volley of metal disks, slowing them down with quicksand. They evaded, and Itreal separated them with an earth wall, encasing the air wielder into a cage. The dark energy wielder attacked with his rapier, and Itreal blocked his attacks with his sword. His foe sent a dark energy wave at him, which Itreal blocked with another earth wall.

The air wielder broke out of the cage, and buffeted Itreal with a gust of wind. The Altiris Knight interrupted the attack with an earth fist to his foe's chest, and ducked under a dark energy whip. He pushed the air wielder away and unleashed a flurry of sword attacks on the dark energy wielder. His foe feinted to his right, but at the last moment, altered the angle. The tip of his rapier narrowly missed the soft spot in his neck. Itreal slam kicked him in the chest and separated his hand at the wrist, and followed through with a stab to the heart.

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