Chapter 18:Battle of Kyrama

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The Alliance base at Vanraael was full  of activity. It had been a mere two hours since Lyra's arrival. Ships were being loaded, troops prepared, and a plan was being made.

"If we attack them head on, that battle station will destroy us. We have to attack from multiple angles. Lure them away from the station, and capture it, if possible. Use its guns to aid our fleet", Lyra said. "There is also the problem of a new Legion base on Kyrama. It is heavily fortified, and well protected. We shall have to send in an attack group", said Kirtan. "We must also rescue Itreal, Valhares and Lurana", Kylara jumped in. "I shall lead the ground attack. Who is going with me?" said Judeor. "You may count on me", Aruon replied. "I'll go with you as well", said Lorya. "I shall join you, too", said Etna. "As will I", Erialas added.

"Good. I, Kylara, Renlas and Akala will attack their fleet. Alaea, Ametir, Reola, Rokitas and Eon are en route to Ykamas. Lyra, you shall stay here for now", said Kirtan. "But who will guard Vanraael, Alveor and Laxis? And we should take Lok Etreon back, as well", said Akala. "The Legion fleets are gathered at Lok Etreon, Ilmaer, Kyrama, Ykamas and wherever their capital is. They can not afford to attack us now", Admiral Zalor replied. "It is a risky plan. But we can not afford to go with anything else. Not while that battle station is within their grasp", Grand Admiral Gaerval said.


The Alliance fleet jumped into hyperspace.


"Admiral, Alliance ships are coming out of hyperspace!" "Intercept them!"

The Legion fleet spread out, to meet the Alliance.

"There is our window. Judeor, begin the attack", Gaerval said into his com link. "On it."

A portion of the fleet broke off, and headed into Kyrama's orbit. Troop carriers flew down to the ground, and the spaceships rejoined the battle above.

The enemy anti air cannons fired at the troop carriers, shooting down many of them. Several squadrons of Alliance star fighters warded off any attacking Legion ships, and attacked the anti air guns, destroying most of them within minutes. Over 2000 troop carriers landed, and unloaded their troops. Judeor, Aruon, Lorya, Etna and Erialas lead the charge, with the soldiers and tanks backing them up.

Lorya fired from her energy gun, killing several Legion soldiers. Aruon cut down another group with his sword staff, and Erialas killed four with darts. Etna protected him from the back.

Judeor used the enemy's distraction, conjuring a swarm of small tornadoes. He sent them at the Legion army, scattering many of them. He rejoined the battle, destroying several tanks with a storm of lightning.

Four Legion Knights attacked him, sending fire, dark energy, earth and air at him. He absorbed the fire attacks and blocked an air wave. The fire wielder attacked him with her daggers, and the air wielder with her black energy blade. The four Knights attacked again.

He blocked the earth wielder's spear attack and pushed him away with a triple kick to the chest. He blocked the fire wielder's daggers, and threw her over his shoulder. He raised his saber staff for the kill, but the air wielder let loose an air wave, pushing him away. The dark energy wielder conjured dark creatures, and pelted him with dark energy balls. Judeor formed an air and lightning shield. The earth, air and fire wielders joined him. Judeor knew he could not hold out forever. Alone, neither of them was a match for him. But together, more than.

He channeled lightning through the ground, staggering the air wielder, and seized the earth wielder in an air grip. Before they could stop him, he snapped her neck, and deactivated his shield. The fire and dark energy wielders came at him, fury enhancing their attacks. Judeor absorbed the fire wielder's pyrokinetic blast, and channeled the energy into an aerokinetic wave, sending both to the ground. The air wielder attacked with her energy blade, but her blocked her attacks and created a thin layer of lightning before him. As the energy blade came into contact with it, the shield wrenched it back, leaving the Legion Knight open. Judeor cleaved through her body from shoulder to hip.

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