Chapter 4:Mission

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Judeor dropped out of his meditation, and opened his eyes. He heard a knock on his door, and said "Enter", waving his hand, opening the door with a gust of wind. Lorya entered, and he slid the door back in its place. "It's good to see you, little brother", said Lorya. "Oh please, you are only a month older than I am", Judeor said with a smile. "That may be. I'll still call you my little brother, though", Lorya replied. "I can sense this is no idle visit", said Judeor. "I wanted to ask you how are you, after your duel with Aruon. You were strangely unresponsive during the flight back", she said, confirming his suspicions.

"I... I don't know", he replied, after a moment of consideration. "You know you can always talk to me about it", she said. "It's just... I have a difficult time processing... what he had told me", Judeor said. "You had a nightmare", said Lorya. "How did- "Judeor, I still sense the waves of energy roiling off of you. And if I can, so can Exeroz, Oteara, Gyros, Deraal, Xyron and... Lynaxa", she replied. When he remained silent, she sighed, placing her head in her palms. "I know because I had the same nightmare. And I have the same questions as you do. I have the same doubts as you, silly", she said.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Judeor sighed and waved it open, revealing a Legion soldier. "What is it?" asked Lorya. "Generals, Lady Lynaxa and Lord Xyron ordered you to join them in the throne room", the soldier said. "You may go. We know the way", said Judeor. The soldier bowed and walked off, as the siblings went to the throne room.

When they got there, Exeroz, Lynaxa and Xyron were waiting for them. Judeor and Lorya knelt down before them, and waited for them to speak. After a moment of silence, Xyron spoke. "Rise, Judeor, Lorya. We have a mission for you. The last few battles left the Alliance in disarray. With most of the High Command, Altiris Knights and Kai Tor Luso warriors killed, and the rest scattered, and their fleets nearly destroyed, they are now powerless to prevent out victory. The Jorna Octagon is entering the final stages of its construction. Of course, they were daring enough to launch an attack on our base on Ilmaer. They had nearly succeeded, and regrouped for another attack. The next time they strike, they will destroy the base, and reclaim the planet, and the ore on it. You two and Exeroz, as well as Admiral Quran will attack their army before they get the chance. You shall have to be careful, however. Two powerful Altiris Knights are with them- Kirtan and his cousin, Kylara. They are among the best Knights they have to offer. Kirtan is the best of them, the only Altiris Knight who can defeat you in a one on one duel, Judeor. Beware. Now, go." "As you wish", said Lorya, as the three of them made their way to the hangar, where a large fleet was waiting.

They joined Admiral Quran on the bridge of the flagship. He acknowledged them with a nod, and ordered the fleet to jump to lightspeed. The orbit of Lok Etreon was replaced by the blue and white of hyperspace.


The Alliance camp was filled with chatter, with the Alliance soldiers moving about, preparing for the second strike on the Legion base. On a training field, two Altiris Knights, Kirtan and Kylara, were sparring, entertaining a few onlookers.

Kirtan blocked several strikes from Kylara, and sent a volley of metal disks at her. She swept them aside with an air wave, and retaliated with her sword. He blocked her attacks with his silver energy blade, and released an earth barrage, pushing her back. She conjured an air shield, blocking most of the earth balls and rocks directed her way, but a few broke through her defense, knocking her off balance.

Kirtan exploited her distraction, slamming an earth fist into her gut, throwing her to the ground. He rushed forth, but she leapt back to her feet and palm slashed the air, sending an air whip at him. It struck before he could block it, sending him back a few feet. She seized him in an air grip, but he immediately retaliated, staggering her with an earth stump. He got back to his feet, and his energy blade collided with her sword. They clashed for several minutes, but soon, Kirtan got the upper hand, and pushed her back. He waved his arms, trapping her feet and hands in earth, and held his energy blade to her neck. The few dozen soldiers around them clapped, having enjoyed the performance. Then, a soldier approached the two Knights.

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