Chapter 2:A Revelation

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Judeor, Lorya, Exeroz and five other Legion Knights, along with several hundred Legion soldiers and ten walkers, landed on an Alliance mining world of Kveaita, and moved towards the mines, to retrieve a hoard of Baeralas, a type of metal used for spaceship construction. When they nearly reached the mines, they encountered three Kai Tor Luso warriors and four Altiris Knights, along with two hundred Alliance soldiers and a platoon of tanks. The Legion Knights attacked the Kai Tor Luso and Altiris, while the Legion and Alliance armies battled each other.

Itreal, Valhares and the other two Altiris Knights attacked Exeroz, Lorya and the other Legion Knights, while Judeor battled the three Kai Tor Luso warriors.

Judeor scoffed and blocked the warriors' attacks with his saber staff, opting to hold his wielding off, and test their skill. The three attacked him again, and, seemingly realizing no wielding attack was coming, started fighting in a more aggressive manner. As he blocked their attacks, he began to recognize a pattern-they were relying on each other to follow up their attacks. Two provided cover, while the other prepared for an assault, and then, one of the two would switch, and they would shuffle, constantly switching roles, and thus giving no opportunity for their foe to pin them down. It was an excellent strategy, especially against a single opponent, and it worked quite well against most wielders. Judeor was no ordinary wielder, however, more skilled and more powerful than most of his contemporaries.

One of the warriors leapt back, and the other two covered for him, attacking Judeor in unison. He blocked their swords, and then, one of them landed a pommel strike to his jaw, and the other pulled him forwards, and kicked him in the chest thrice. He shuffled back, as the third warrior leapt at him, and unleashed a flurry of attacks with his sword staff, cutting him on the leg and spun, thrusting the butt of his weapon into his gut, and swung, the tip of his blade cutting through Judeor's cheek, nearly taking out his eye.

Judeor evaded his next attack and leapt back. Almost immediately, the warrior followed, and was joined by one of the other two, while the third prepared for her attack. The two warriors landed several shallow hits on him, and pushed him back against a disabled Alliance tank. The third joined them promptly. Panicking, Judeor let loose an air wave, pushing all three back. He had underestimated them, and his mistake had nearly cost him his life. Resolving to end them, he called on his power, feeling the lightning crackle around his hands.

The warriors took a defensive stance, and he released the blast. They blocked the golden bolts with their weapons, straining against his power. He then sent an air surge into the ground, knocking them off balance, and attacked with his saber staff, adding in air and lightning spurts. They again fought with their previous strategy, shuffling through their roles. This time, though, he wasn't holding back, fighting with his full power.

One of the warriors blocked his attack and struck, but Judeor trapped his sword, and sent a burst of lightning at him, sending him into a tank with a triple kick to the chest. The other two tried to attack him, but he sent them back with an air wave. He turned his attention to the other warrior, pinning him against the tank with air, while simultaneously turning the tank's barrel, aiming it at the warrior, and forced the operator to fire, sending a golden bolt straight through his foe's neck. He then picked the tank up into the air, and crushed it, sending it at a group of Alliance soldiers, crushing a few of them.

Aruon and the other Kai Tor Luso warrior watched in horror, as Judeor killed their friend. Itreal, Valhares, and the other surviving Altiris Knight were all surrounded, and most of the Alliance soldiers were killed. "Etna, help the others. I must do this alone" said Aruon. "You can't take him alone" Etna replied. "I must. Go. They need you", he said. Etna nodded and rushed to the Altiris Knights.

Judeor watched one of the two warriors leave the other, and joining the remaining Alliance forces, leaving the two of them alone. One on one. He scoffed and adjusted his grip on his saber staff, and gathered his power, preparing to finish his foe off. He attacked, sending an air wave at the Kai Tor Luso, but the warrior leapt over it, and evaded another one. Judeor released a blast of lightning, which the warrior evaded again, and again.

Judeor sent out a smaller torrent. Instead of settling into a defensive stance, as Judeor expected, the warrior sped up, and, as the lightning crackled towards him, he executed a 360 and swung his sword staff. The golden lightning and the blade collided, and the energy was redirected back at Judeor. Astonished, he barely brought his hand up in time, absorbing the lightning. Somehow, the warrior continued his assault, unleashing a flurry of powerful strikes.

Judeor had never faced someone this skilled before. In all his years serving the Legion, none of his opponents were able to match his skill. Not even Exeroz, Deraal or Oteara. But this warrior had accomplished just that. Judeor blocked another strike, and another, and pushed his foe away with an air wave. The warrior recovered, and immediately struck back, bashing him on the temple with the flat of his blade and struck his knuckles with the end of his handle. He ducked under Judeor's lightning spurt and swept him off his feet, and touched his neck with the tip of his sword staff.

"It's over, Judeor. You have lost" he said. "How do you know my name?" asked Judeor, intrigued. "It has been a long time since we last saw each other, but I still remember. You, and Lorya. Did Lynaxa ever tell you of your parents?" the warrior said. "She said they were slaughtered by two Altiris Knights, Hallagar and Alaea, and that she killed the Knights, and saved me and Lorya", Judeor replied.

Aruon looked at him, sorrow in his eyes. As he and the others had suspected, Lynaxa had brainwashed them. Getting through to them would be harder than they thought. "Wrong. She lied to you. Your parents were indeed killed, that much is true. However, not by Altiris Knights. Hallagar and Alaea themselves were Altiris Knights. And it was Lynaxa, who killed them. She and a group of Legion Knights. You and Lorya were around five years old at that time, too young to remember, but I wasn't. At 9 years old, I foolishly tried to attack Lynaxa, but she, of course, knocked me back. She would have killed me, had it not been for my uncle Ametir's intervention. He is the brother of Alaea, and a good friend to our father before the two got married. Yes, Judeor. I am your and Lorya's older brother", said Aruon.

"Impossible. You are lying" Judeor said through gritted teeth. "No, Judeor. I am telling as it was. In time, you will see through Lynaxa's lies, and forge your own path", Aruon replied. Judeor clenched his fist and pushed him away with an air wave, and sent out a torrent of lightning, which Aruon repelled with his sword staff.

Itreal, Valhares, Etna, and the remaining Alliance soldiers were all driven back against the mine. "We have to retreat. There are too many of them", said Valhares. "Alright. Aruon! Let's go!" Itreal called.

Itreal, Valhares, Etna, Aruon, and around 46 Alliance soldiers made their way to their ships and flew past the Legion fleet in orbit. They tried to intercept them, but the Alliance ships managed to escape, jumping to lightspeed.

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