Chapter 20:Alliance Invasion

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The Alliance forces sprang into action. Eon, Rokitas, Reola, Ametir, Alaea, Akala, Kirtan, Judeor, Kylara, Lurana, Itreal, Valhares, Lorya, Aruon, Etna, Erialas and Renlas split in four groups. Ametir, Judeor, Lorya, Aruon, Etna and Erialas would attack Ykamas, while Kirtan, Akala, Valhares and Itreal would defend Kyrama, Vanraael and Alveor, the most important planets under their control. Kylara, Renlas and Lurana would take the Jorna Octagon, and engage the Legion fleet at Keir Kala. Eon, Rokitas, Alaea and Reola would attack Lok Etreon, which was defended by less than 100 capital ships, while the rest of the Legion forces were stationed at Ykamas, Akalos, Ilmaer and several other planets.


The Jorna Octagon came out of hyperspace over Keir Kala, followed by an Alliance fleet consisting of 60 capital ships, 18 of which were cruisers, the rest were frigates and corvettes, all escorted by 1300 Alliance fighters.

The battle station's guns opened fire on the 50 Legion destroyers, 11 battleships and the dreadnought. The defenders were caught off guard, and 12 destroyers were wiped out almost immediately. The Alliance cruisers stormed the rest. Each of them was powerful enough to take on up to 5 destroyers. By the time the Legion recovered, 10 more destroyers were debris, and several battleships have been stripped of their shields. The Alliance star fighters exacted a heavy toll on the fleet as well, having taken down four destroyers, and two battleships.

Meanwhile, the Jorna Octagon's guns kept firing. They eventually were all turned to the dreadnought. Aided by 3 of the remaining 14 cruisers, they took out the dreadnought's shields. While the Alliance fleet focused on the remaining 23 destroyers and 6 battleships, 400 of the remaining 1100 star fighters escorted Kylara, Renlas and Lurana to the dreadnought.

Immediately upon entering the hangar, they were fired on by the security team. The 40 Alliance soldiers returned fire, and the Altiris Knights retaliated with an elemental barrage. Renlas released a torrent of blue flames, burning 8 soldiers, and Lurana and Kylara combined air and lightning, wiping out 20 soldiers with an electrified tornado. They attacked with their weapons, and were met by four Legion Knights.

Lurana blocked an earth barrage with a lightning shield, and evaded a dark energy beam. She released a burst of lightning, which her foes blocked with earth and dark energy. Lurana attacked with her energy pike, and they defended with red bladed energy swords. Lurana blocked several strikes and kicked the earth wielder in the shin. She launched a torrent of lightning at the dark wielder, and focused on the former. She unleashed a flurry of pike thrusts, pushing the earth wielder back, and as she heard the other Knight approaching her, she leapt in the air and executed a pirouette. She landed in a crouch, bringing her electrified hand down on the ground.

The earth wielder dispersed most of the shock with an earth wall, but the dark wielder wasn't so lucky. Blue lightning struck her in the chest, throwing her several meters back. As she got back to her feet, she was blasted with a torrent of energy, which burned her neck and face. Lurana finished her off with a quick thrust to the heart.

The earth wielder released a massive earth fist, sending Lurana to the ground. He tried to pin her, but she quickly cut through the earth with her energy pike. The Altiris Knight blocked his energy blade, and unleashed her own offensive, her greater reach allowing her to steadily push her less skilled foe back. The Legion Knight put up a valiant defense, but Lurana kept up the pressure, and when her foe tried to retaliate, she knocked him off balance and slammed the butt of her pike into his neck, crushing his windpipe with the force of the blow.

Only 3 destroyers, 3 battleships and the severely damaged dreadnought faced 12 Alliance cruisers, 29 frigates and corvettes, and the Jorna Octagon. Less than 300 Legion star fighters were getting swarmed by 800 Alliance fighters. The battle was almost over.

The 15 Alliance frigates attacked the destroyers, and, with the help of several fighter and bomber squadrons, overwhelmed their shields and soon reduced them to debris, though 6 of them were lost as well.

Once Kylara, Lurana and Renlas returned to the flagship, the remaining 10 Alliance cruisers and the Jorna Octagon focused their fire on the dreadnought, destroying it, while the 9 frigates and 11 corvettes, aided by the remaining 600 star fighters, tore through one of the three battleships. All three were soon destroyed, and the 9 cruisers, 7 frigates, 6 corvettes and 590 star fighters jumped to hyperspace.


Blaster fire raged around them, as dozens of Legion and Alliance soldiers fought and died on the plains of Ykamas. Tanks and walkers rounded off shots at each other, their anti personnel weapons taking out swaths of enemy soldiers that got too close for comfort. Elemental blasts and hum of energy blades, and the sound of metal striking metal were all over the place.

Judeor and Aruon fought side by side, together taking on four Legion Knights.

The enemy wielders sent torrents of fire, air, dark energy and light at them, along with burst of lightning, ice and earth, all reinforced with waves of mental energy.

Judeor repelled a fire ball with his palm, and buffeted the Legion Knights with a blast of wind, sending three to their backs, though the fire wielder managed to withstand the attack. Aruon attacked him, the blade of his sword staff coming within inches of the Knight's neck. At that moment, an ice shard blocked the weapon, as one of the other three rushed to his comrade's aid.

The ice wielder attacked with his spear, and released a rain of ice shards. Aruon blocked a few projectiles, and the rest were swept aside by Judeor's air waves, which staggered the ice wielder. Aruon exploited the opening, closing the distance between them and crashed through his foe's weak ice wall. The Legion Knight cut him on the arm with ice, and the tip of his spear landed a scratch to his neck, but Aruon swept the spear aside and bashed his foe on the temple with the haft of his weapon, before slicing through his body from hip to shoulder.

Judeor absorbed a burst of fire and expelled the energy in a storm of lightning, sending golden bolts raining down on the three Knights. The air wielder blocked with her white bladed energy sword, but Judeor's power crashed through her defenses, and she was thrown to the ground. Aruon ended her misery with a downward thrust to the heart.

Judeor and Aruon attacked the last two in unison, the former providing cover against their elemental attacks, while the latter exploited the openings presented when Judeor's lightning and air counters staggered them. Within the next 10 minutes, both Legion Knights lay on the ground, lifeless.

Etna, Lorya and Erialas attacked the dark energy wielder again, but without success. Their foe easily deflected their attacks, and all three had sustained severe injuries. They would not be able to keep fighting for much longer.

The Legion Knight's dark energy wave grazed Etna's shoulder, burning through the armor, and a beam of light tore through her side. Erialas landed a cut on the Knight's shoulder, and Lorya sent a volley of energy shots at him. The Knight blocked with a shield of light, and sent both to the ground. The dark energy creatures he created earlier swarmed them.

As the end came close, a sword came flying out of nowhere, impaling itself into the Legion Knight's gut. Ametir tackled the Knight, and brought his elbow down on his neck, crushing the windpipe, just as a dark energy creature slit his throat, seconds before disappearing into thin air, as its creator released his final breath.

Judeor, Lorya, Aruon, Etna and Erialas gathered around the dying Ametir, watching him in sorrow. Not even light wielding could save him now. No blood came out of his wounds, all cauterized by the dark energy. Erialas closed his uncle's eyes, and Etna closed his hands on the hilt of his sword, which she placed on his chest.

The battle was over soon after, and Lorya, Etna and Erialas were placed in healing tanks, that would suppress the dark energy in their wounds, until a light wielder could attend to them.


130 Alliance capital ships gathered over Lok Etreon, along with 2000 star fighters and the Jorna Octagon.

Eon, Rokitas, Reola, Alaea, Akala, Kirtan, Judeor, Kylara, Lurana, Itreal, Valhares, Lorya, Aruon, Etna, Erialas and Renlas split in two groups. Eon, Rokitas, Reola, Alaea, Aruon, Judeor, Etna, Erialas and Lorya would fight on the surface, while Kirtan, Akala, Kylara, Lurana, Renlas, Itreal and Valhares would help in space. The final assault on Lok Etreon would commence shortly.

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