Chapter 8:Namesake

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Eon and Judeor made their way to the underground levels of the Altiris Academy, balls of light hovering over them, courtesy of Eon. "Why does this place feel so familiar?" asked Judeor. "You've been here before. Around 20 years ago. Your memories of it were, of course, like all of your other memories, silenced by Lynaxa to keep you aloof, as her most loyal warrior. But, being among family, has awakened them, including this one", Eon replied.

"Anyway, we are almost here. Come on", the old Knight said. He led Judeor down to the last level, and stopped before a door. "Open it" he said. Judeor concentrated, and sent a gust of wind at the door, turning its mechanism, and waved his hand to the left, and the door slid open. "Excellent", Eon said, and entered, his grand son following close behind. They stopped before a gold statue.

"Who is that?" asked Judeor. "The first Altiris Knight, the original Judeor, your ancient ancestor" Eon replied. "I often wondered whether my name was authentic, and now, I know for certain", the young Knight said, bowing slightly, in reverence to the ancient warrior. "And this is not all. Look, there are other statues around us", said Eon. "And they were..." Judeor trailed off, as he considered the thought. "Yes, they were his first students. Beings of incredible power, greater than Xyron, and even Lynaxa. They passed over 19 thousand years ago. Since then, hundreds, thousands of Altiris Knights had lived, and died, protecting the worlds, keeping the peace. It was a glorious era, a Golden Age for the galaxy and those who resided in it. Unfortunately, it inevitably came to its bitter end, when I took on another generation of young Knights. Among them, four were particularly powerful-my daughter, Alaea, your mother, as well as your father, Hallagar, Lynaxa, and Xyron. Lynaxa was a special case-she grew alone, with no one to care for her. I and Ulmara took her in, along with Alaea. The two quickly took a liking to each other, and, at just 8 years old, the first signs of their incredible elemental power showed themselves. Lynaxa, however, showed far greater potential-she could wield all 8 of the known elements, each with tremendous raw power. Only one other possessed that raw power-the original Judeor. Even Alaea, Hallagar and Xyron were not as powerful as she was. Alaea and Hallagar could only wield light. Xyron- mind and earth. Seeing their great power, I devoted my attention to them, while the rest were trained by others. For several decades, I trained them. When their training was finished, the first problem presented itself-powerful magicians came from Laakeir, a distant world, a dark place, where a different type of magic dominated-blood, spirit, and death magic. They attacked the known galaxy, killing hundreds of Altiris Knights, and much of the population. After a few years, we had won, though at a great cost. Something snapped in Lynaxa, corrupted her. Alaea was the first to notice the signs, which I foolishly ignored at first, dismissed others' concerns. When I finally realized my mistake, it was too late. I had been called away, and she took the opportunity to attack Lok Etreon. The Legion gathered their power, and attacked our fleet there. Of course, you know the rest better than I do", Eon said.

"Must have been a shock to her, her friend betraying her", Judeor said, for the first time, feeling a spark of hatred for his former master. "Indeed it was. It nearly broke her when she found out, though she remained strong. Both your parents were strong, as are Rokitas, Reola, and Ametir. They, Etna, Erialas, Aruon, and myself, we shall help you to end Lynaxa and Xyron, along with the other survivors. Come on, now. It's about time we get back", Eon replied. The two Knights exited the chamber, Judeor closing it with air wielding, and headed to the training field, where the other Altiris Knights were gathered.

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