2. emotional breakdown

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(reading these always helps me when i stressed)

*sees you in hall breaking down*
"shhhhh y/n hey! hey! it's okay shhhh."
rubs circles on ur back
-puts hand on face and wipes away tear
-gives u outdated food😐

*you start crying while he's playing games and u in the bathroom.*
- *knocks on bathroom door*
- "y/n are you ok in there?"
- opens door to you crying
- sits down beside you and lightly rubs ur arm.
- "it's okay."
- you apologize constantly but he just shushes u and runs his hand through ur hair (or on ur arm whatever's more comforting for u bestie.)
- "let's go eat some goldfish."
"original flavored."

"woah hon it's okay."
literally a brit iskisk
- "you're fine shh"
-kisses your forehead
-u lay on his chest and cry (let it out sweetie.)
-buys u shit ton of stuff and spoils u
- orders chinese food (i love chinese food when i'm sad especially)

"hey what's wrong!"
lays beside you.
"it's okay darling. it's okay."
doesn't hug u unless u say it's ok to :)

you're crying in ur room and he sensed you were sad so he came over (obviously.)
*comes into room*
*comforts you and watches favorite movie with you*
-ends up being date night with popcorn and snacks

*she gets home late from filming and sees you freaking out on the floor*
*rushes over to you*
-"hey, hey, hey. y/n, it's okay." *imagine el with max when billy died*
-asks if she can hug you
-after you calm down she asks what's wrong
-invites you to set the next day so y'all can hang out

-he's away on a trip with his family and he called you to check up on you while you were having a breakdown
him-"hey y/n how are you doing?" *hears pain in your voice* "hey you okay"
-*u tell him what's wrong*
-"hey it's ok. how about we facetime, huh?"
-you guys facetime and he talks about his vacation and asks how you're doing and what you've been up to to get your mind off of emotions until he comes back

*asks you out before emotional breakdown*
-u cancel because you're too nervous (and start having an emotion attack)
-he ends up driving to your house and asking why you're nervous, etc etc
-you guys just stay there and watch a movie (preferably free guy bc that's the best)

-you two are in school and lab partners
-you didnt get any sleep last night and she noticed
-*she asks if ur ok*
-u start crying and she comforts you
-"uh mr.daniels y/n hurt themself on something i'm gonna take them to the office"
- she takes you to the hall and talks to you

same as sadie

(btw i fucking love you and remember you're worth more than anything )

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