97. if you two got casted together ♡︎

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- hates it
- he likes seeing it but you got casted as enemies
- is a bitch to you to get into character then apologizes endlessly

- goofing off on set
- you two nap together
- watches you preform on your own scenes

- coffee runs together
- break out in laughter on set
- literally the directors favs

- naps in your trailer
- watches you get your makeup done
- when the camera is on you he tries to make you break out of character and ends up getting an angry y/n

- still professional
- wants to do some improv scenes with you
- forgets her lines more

- can't stop laughing with you
- bites his lip or cheek so he won't
- always playing around in blooper reels

- he's very serious
- will do something hilarious before a scene and get you to break out in laughter while he's still in character
- after work you guys hang out

- tries to create a romance between your two characters
- tries on your costumes
- always in your trailer when she's done with her makeup and costume

- pull pranks on other cast members
- getting mcdonald's together before heading to set
- forgets his lines so much

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