85. watching scary movie ♡︎

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- not scared (he's been in multiple)
- only watches them so you'll cling to him
- feels embarrassed when he does get scared

- only watching bc i promised popcorn
- "can we watch ratatouille now?"
- not even bothered by the movie just wants to watch ratatouille (if the movie interesting he might get scared)

- cannot stop laughing
- cries of laughter
- ends up throwing pillows at u bc she's bored

- tries to be brave but can't
- hides under the blanket
- goes on his phone so he doesn't see the screen

- pretends to be scared just to snuggle into you
- actually not scared at all
- sprawls across the couch with like 10 blankets

- literally almost pees himself every jumpscare
- makes jokes a lot to calm himself down
- quits ten minutes in

- always looks at you to make sure your not scared
- "i knew that would happen."
- makes hypothesis about when the next jumpscare is

- only likes mystery/horror
- can't watch if there's no romance
- falls asleep

- giggles when someone dies
- eats all the popcorn
- replays the jumpscares to make them less scary

- not phased
- only thing that scares him is apocalyptic stuff
- pranks you by scaring you after a jumpscare on the movie

a/n: hey guys so i recently found out about the elsie situation. (she's finn's gf). for those who don't know, she's also a predator and scammer. i did not know these things when i defended her, the only reason i used to defend her was because i didn't think she did anything wrong (nobody did). don't say "i told you so" or "i never liked her". it doesn't help the case. i'm not gonna say much more bc i don't know much more but no this is not your chance to get with finn, it's hardly about him as people are making it.

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