43. breakups

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- he was too busy, you were too busy, yk
- he broke up w u
- not amazing friends for awhile but hey y'all were busy ok
(after 1 year)

- long distance
- you broke up w him
- he's torn and u r too
- still y'all on phone but it's awkward
(after 1.5 years)

- one sided
- he put in all the effort
- he broke it up
- missed u terribly and realized he was wrong
(after 2 years)

- busy af
- she broke it up
- she's always got stuff goin on and couldn't focus on u
(after 6 months)

- fangroup hates u
- finn feels terrible. they only hate u bc ur dating him and that's what the world has come to...
-he broke it
- you guys still texted a lot just never were in public. still good friends
(after 1 year)

- thinks you'll leave her
- breaks up with u so u can't leave her
- scrolls through ur insta all the time, being sad
(after 7 months)

- you were mad about how much he worried (that's a terrible thing to break up w someone for btw)
- u broke up w him
- he dreaded it
- feels #broken

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