17. plane rides

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-very nervous
- knows 1937379928283733773 facts about plane crashes
-"hey y/n, if a plane crashes and every single person died, who survived?"
"uh that joke is so boring."
-gets pretzels and apple juice

-gets cookies
-doesn't mind which seat
-talking with the other people beside her on the plane while you sleep
-watches mean girls

-grabs ur arm when taking off
-just stares out window whole time
"do you think we might crash?"
-can't wait for it to be over

-holds your hand the whole entire time
- you guys do crossword puzzles
- phones die right away
-listen time music through the same earbuds

-you two fight over who's going to say your orders to the flight attendant
- end up just saying "nothing" (HAH life of an introvert right there.)
- watch the CRAFT
-fall asleep on eachother
- random person wakes u up

-get fast food before hand
-drink starbucks on plane
- pictionary and hangman (crucial. i like it.) (jokes) (kinda)
-talk a lot and get to now eachother
-super nice to the kids on the plane
-ask people behind you if ur seats are too far back
-walkway seat

- falling asleep on his shoulder or vise versa
- gives you his plane snacks
- when you get there he practically has to drag you because you're so tired (ME LOL)

a/n- hi. i love you. even if i don't know you i'd just like you to know that if we met i'd become so in love with you and your life because of how complex and cool you are and you have these cool interests and you have these quirks and traits that make you a tad bit different and i love that. that's all, good night <3

update: I still love you. so so much. even though one of you got me hacked, and now I have a friend on my phone wherever I go. hes like my purse dog, good night.

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