163. You have anxiety (it cast)

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As someone who has severe anxiety and social anxiety I feel like this might comfort some people :) you aren't alone at all

Also this is referring to just anxiety as a whole, not specifically social anxiety or anything. If you guys want a chapter on that let me know

I can also do more chapters abt helping u with other mental illnesses but I don't have all mental illnesses so I don't know what it's like to have certain ones and, well, I don't want to stereotype either so. Just lemme kno❤️

- you two are at a red carpet event
- He noticed you're really nervous and quiet
- Grabs your hand and reassures you it's okay
- You guys quick do some interviews and then go to a table to sit down and drink water
- The water is so delicious what the fuck

- you wake up at midnight and get the really eerie feeling that someone's watching you
- Wyatts sleeping right next to you
- He slings his arm over to cuddle you and realizes you're not laying down
- "What's wrong?" He asks and u tell him
- "Hey it's okay. No one's watching us. Cmere."
- He pulls you back to lie down and holds you
- Pulls out his phone and shows you funny videos to distract you

- Suddenly you feel like everyone hates you
- Texting chosen
- "Hey do you hate me?"
- "Of course not! Why?"
- "I just feel like everyone does."
- "How could anyone hate you. You're the sweetest, most generous person ever."
- "People hate Greta thunberg for being those things!"
- "Babe no one hates you. I love you, okay? If some hates you then that's just some personal issue they have. Just like why people hate Greta thunberg."
- Why did Greta come into the conversation I have no clue

- You start having anxiety about school coming up
- Feeling like you'll make zero friends
- Calling finn
- "Look, I've never been to college but you'll most definitely make friends. It'll be so fun y/n. You just need to trust time and yourself."
- Literally your mentor
- You guys spend the whole night facetiming
- he's always there for you when you need it

- you're at the mall and something drops
- you thought it was a gun shot
- nobody else seems to think that but you're still scared
- calls sophia
- she drives down and tells you to come out to her car
- comforts you
- "it's okay y/n. that won't happen."
- always makes sure to pay extra attention to you when your anxiety is at high

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