122. They take your phone

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Who else is sick of everyone calling boys pure and soft bc they don't make sexist and weird comments about pussy


- looks at photos of you
- literally favorites like all of them
- "y/n you're the most stunning person I've ever seen oh mi god"

- just plays games
- "u got games on yo phone?"👁👁
- looks up his contact name

- takes a bunch of pictures of you with your phone
- looks through your private pinterest boards
- makes a photo album just for himself

- changed the wallpaper to matthew morrison (fun fact: my friend met him...)
- reads your past safari searches
- scrolls on ur tiktok to see what kind of vids u like

- takes a million selfies
- goes on your shopping apps to see what you want for Christmas/ur birthday
- changes the Lock Screen to his face really close up

- doesn't go on it
- she finds phones too boring
- does take a few selfie tho, (to test your camera)

- goes through your spotify
- searches his name in your messages
- looks at really old photos you have :,) like when u were a lil baby

- immediately watches movies with the subscriptions you have but he doesn't
- takes random close up photos and later makes you guess what they were later
- watches your videos in camera roll

- sends your photos to herself
- plays candy crush
- looks at your minecraft worlds

- sees if you have ratatouille rented or bought
- you don't
- cries

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