155. You get the role you auditioned for (it cast)

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- You guys go out for a super fancy dinner
- Will not stop congratulating you
- "I'm seriously proud of you, y/n"
- You, him, Wyatt, and your friend all go to a party to celebrate

- Bakes you something
- No, sorry
- Bakes you multiple things
- You text him the big news and that you're coming over
- You arrive to about 4 cakes and a pan of cookies just coming out of the oven

- He comes over to your house because you guys were planning on going out even if you didn't get the part (🥺)
- He is so excited for u
- Cuddles you for about an hour
- You guys end up ordering food instead of going out
- Cuddles you while you eat Chinese food
- This goes on all night

- he tells EVERYONE
- You find out he told everyone by enya and drew congratulating you by facetiming you
- "My talented y/n"
- "I knew you'd get it!"
- Literally was betting on you getting the role since the day you auditioned
- Takes you out for coffee/boba

- You guys bunk out on the couch
- and eat icecream
- watching all the works from the producers of the show you auditioned for
- After that immediately insists that you start practicing your lines
- Rehearses with you
- Goofs off when she plays your enemies roll

blue bird ⋆ it, fear street, and st cast preferences ⋆Where stories live. Discover now