8. jealous

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imagines ?

ur at IT premieres (u played Bev Marsh or stanley uris) and a fan runs up to you.
"Oh my god y/n y/l/n i'm a huge fan!" he says.
jaeden watches from the corner of his eye, u can feel people staring you down.
"i was wondering," the fan continues, "if you'd go to prom with me?"
jaeden gets in front of the fan and grabs ur hand, pushing you behind him.
"y/n is going with me bud," he says protectively

you guys are at the pool and you go into the kids pool with your younger sibling. finn doesn't want to bc he dOeSnt wAnNa gEt wET. you're playing in the pool with ur sibling when a muscular guy gets into the pool with his younger sister.
"hey i'm brad," he says as ur two siblings play with eachother.
"i'm y/n," you say, holding out ur hand. he shakes it and you can feel finns eyes on you two.

when you're leaving the pool finn grabs ur hand and grips it tight. "y/n i don't think you should've wearing swimsuits like that," he says.
"it shows a lot and that guy was totally checking you out," he says.
"finn! i can wear whatever i want thanks."
"i know..."

you guys are at a town parade with sadie and gaten (they aren't famous). everyone's throwing candy out of their boats onto the street. the last boat drives down the street and the girl on it winks at you.
you smile back and run with caleb to get candy.
"y/n did that lady just wink at you?" asks caleb.
"yeah, i know her from school, why?" you respond.
"well- does she have a crush on you or something,"
you laugh, "caleb calm down. if you're worried about her liking me and me ditching you, it's not happening. i love you and you only." you hug him and he smiles while leaning in to kiss u.

you two are at a party thrown by jaeden.
wyatt leaves to use the bathroom and a guy comes up to you.
"can i get you a drink hon?" he asks.
you nod, not going to drink it anyways.
he goes to grab one and wyatt comes back. the guy hands u a drink and wyatt looks at him, "who're you?"
"i was helpin' this pretty lady/man/person to a drink," says the guy.
wyatt grips ur hand and leads u outside, away from the man.

(sorry it's short, i suffer from writers block 24/7, *5th grade me is QUAKING*)

ps- i *almost* failed fifth grade bc i would rush my homework, (get an F on it) to go on the computers at my school and type stories🤗🤗🤗🤗🙎🏼‍♀️😛🙎🏼‍♀️🙎🏼‍♀️😫🙄😕😭🤷🏻‍♂️🙎🏼‍♀️😤😐👱🏼‍♀️😐😛🤪🤷🏻‍♂️

😐 also i'm so sorry but ginny miller is so pretty n hot i love antonia

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