3. losing/gaining weight

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*notices u becoming self conscious more*
- "y/n why do u only where sweats"
- makes sure you eat enough food every day.
- goes on healthy weight gaining/losing diet with u
- "you're always beautiful. if you think you need to gain weight or lose then i will respect that. whatever makes you happy."
- *cries at inspirational speech*
(adds chefs kiss 🧑‍🍳💋)

noah / gaten ;
*notices way late just because he's always busy*
- "y/n why won't u eat?"
* feeds and eats with u*

chosen / wyatt;
*Notices RIGHT AWAY*
^king sht
- goes to wherever to get food for u
*just not chick fil a or burger king🖕*
- makes u chicken noodle soup 🍜
- texts you when he's not around, "have u eaten yet today?"
"hey, how about you facetime me and we have a lunch date over the phone."
heart = melted

jaeden / sophia / sadie;
-knows from the start
- "y/n ur perfect"
-literally bae
- so many dates where you two go get food together.
- "y/n ur beautiful and so is ur body. you are perfect and you don't have to change if YOU dont want to."

millie / finn;
"y/n i've noticed you getting drastically lighter/heavier lately, are u doing ok?"
-"i'm here for u."
- beauty affirmations
-lots of pda, showing u off and making u feel confident baby

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