9. kiss kiss

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first kiss (between y'all😐) check😋

he kisses you.
you two are at a concert together enjoying your fav band play
- finn looks at you jumping up to the beat.
- u feel him staring and make eye contact, stopping the jumps
- there's no one else in the world for moments before he leans in and kisses you.
-you grab his face and he holds your head
-afterwards you're flustered and he has a stupid grin on his face the rest of the night

you kiss him
-africa by toto comes on (i LOVE this song)
-you and gaten go at the same time and decide to do a duo.
- after singing your hearts out everyone claps and you make eye contact with gaten. he's blushing and smiling like crazy.
-you grab his hands and tip toe to kiss him lightly on the lips. *pretend he isn't like 3'6*

he kisses you.
- you two are at a fancy restaurant in LA and soft romantic music is playing.
-chosen stands up and reaches out his hand, inviting u to dance ;)
-u two dance and everyone else starts dancing slowly as well.
-when the song ends chosen dips you and kisses your lips.
-after that he pays for the food and you two leave, now a couple 😋

she kisses you
-you two are at a theme park on the ferris wheel.
- "it's pretty up here," u say
she looks at u, "more than one pretty view."
-u smile at her and she leans closer and kisses u

he kisses you.
end of story🙍‍♂️

you kiss her.
you two are in english class writing poetry.
-she slips u a paper
-u open it and it's a poem about you.
"beauty is a strong word.
it means sightful.
y/n y/l/n.
y/n is beauty.
they define the word.
y/n walks, talks, and breathes beauty." (sorry that was LAME i made it up on spot🙄)
after school you meet her in the english room alone.
-"u wrote this?"
-"mhm. do u like it?"
-u smile big and nod before leaning in and kissing her.
-u back away and she smiles that awkward smile she has.
- "that was nice," she says and u giggle

you kiss him.
you two are on a walk with ur dOg. you've both just been back from a long day of filming.
- after talking about your day for awhile, you feel the urge to ask caleb a question.
- "caleb, whag am i to you?" i ask
- "well y/n," he breathes, "you're the most gorgeous person i've ever met. literally. i've seen nobody as stunning as you. i- i think i want you to, to be my partner."
-u spin around towards him, "really?"
"yes, if that's okay with u?" he asks.
-u smile and he smiles as you lean in for a kiss

he kisses you
das it😜 (update; not writing for him anymore you racist!)

he kisses you.
you two are at an art class he agreed to take with you
- "hey y/n, look at this painting i made," he says and u look over his shoulder, "it's u."
~the painting sucks to say the least (HAHAH.)
"wow how cute," u joke and he looks at u and smiles before u paint on his face with blue paint.
he gasps dramatically and paints green paint on ur lips. after that he leans in and kisses you.
"bad idea, paint tastes gross," he says awkwardly after and u laugh.

you kiss him.
you two got done watching anime and he's lieing in his bed
"jaeden?" you say from the sofa where u lie.
"what are we?"
there's silence.
"ummm," jaeden sighs, "what are we to you?"
he gets up and walks to the couch, sitting beside you.
"best friends?" u say.
"oh, i was thinking something more," he shrugged and u looked away quickly before planting a kiss on his lips.

you kiss her. (sort of)
you guys are at an aquarium (millies choice.)
- "these fish are beautiful!" says millie
- "i know, maybe that's why they remind me of u," u say, smirking at her.
"y/n, that's so sweet," she says, hugging you.
you plant a kiss on her head and blush before she kisses your lips.

u kiss him
the end🧑‍🍳

(i included everyone, you're welcome. also wtf people are reading this like uh- thank you. i'm probably going to be done obsessing over this group in a bit or two but ah yeah...)

update: its been a year daddy

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