131. meeting your parents

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Soooo the app that i used for those stars on each chapter is making me pay :/... let me know if there's any other way to add cute details in!😁💗💖

"Fuck. shit. bitch"
"Jaeden saying every cuss word you can think of is not going to prepare you for tonight."
Turns out to be fine :)
Your parents really like him, they say he's so charming and respectful. <3

Brings champagne...😶
Wears his dads nice work clothes lol
Kinda nervous but doesn't show it
Your mom really likes him

He brings dessert <3
"Mr. y/l/n, i can promise you that I would never do anything to hurt y/n."
Your dads love him they invite him over the next day
"Chosen coming for supper" is marked in your parents calendar a day in every week.

She is really nervous and you guys talk about it a week beforehand
You try to convince her that it'll be fine
She wears her nicest cardigan and jeans
She accidentally slips out a 'that's what she said' joke
The whole table goes quiet before your sibling laughs and everyone just laughs it off

Bro is in study mode
He finds out what your parents like, how they act, stalks their Facebook pages
Ends up just looking for photos of you
The next day is unprepared
He's mostly quiet during the dinner but then gets more comfortable
A+ from the parents

You guys reserve at a restaurant
You think he's chill abt it but he's nervous
Luckily it's a Very chill and relaxed restaurant
He charms your parents
They actually are in love with him
Think he's perfect for you

She wears a really cute outfit with a red scarf😉
You guys meet with your parents at an outside restaurant
She keeps saying how good the soup is when there's silence
Your parents adore her!
Also will not shut up about how nice the restaurant is
Now that's you and Sadie's date night go to

You guys have dinner at your house
Your parents bring salad but you and Noah cook everything else
They think he's really funny
Will not stop with the knock knock jokes
10/10 from your parents💖

You two are eating at a vegan restaurant with your parents
As soon as he sits down he spills his water
But after that everything rolls clearly
It's an amazing dinner
Your food arrives really late which was perfect time for Gaten to charm your parents lol

You guys have food at a diner
Everyone gets milkshakes and fries
Your parents just talk you up
By the end of the dinner Millie knows everything about your childhood
Your parents like her a lot

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