160. Them as old camp games (st cast)

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-you guys playing these games-

- museum
- Super easy but fun
- Last one to be caught moving
- He's the museum keeper
- You are always out first

- Bonkers
- Dude oh my god. Scariest game ever.
- So basically
- The counselors have socks full of rice, ok.
- And they hide until a group or a kid walks by them and they chase you down, throwing the socks of rice at you
- They have crazy costumes omg

- gaga ball
- Goes absolute savage mode

- Mafia
- One doctor, two mafia, two detectives, one Jesus/hospital/savior
- She somehow always gets detective
- Wins all the time
- Picks on you a lot even tho ur never it

- Frogger
- He's watching you very closely
- Why do u feel like he would be so good at this game
- Accuses you of being frogger when all along it was u

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