Chapter 10

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After Yesterday's night whatever happened I was so shocked that I just can't think about the diamond necklace. and I was still thinking about the shorty's kiss. Just like thinking about it I fell asleep.

Next day.....

OH SHIT! Hey where is that shorty? I just woke up now and guess what the shorty is not here in the train. I have to find him. Oh god where are you shorty.

PERSON: Are you Sing? (I ma just keeping imaginary names here so don't mind the names)


GUN: I am not well. I have a stomach ache. 

OFF: Oh god! was this the only station you found to fall sick.

GUN: What?

OFF: I mean why did you get off the train?

GUN: I feel more sick when I ride the train.

OFF: Do you want to meet Oab?

GUN: Yes

OFF: The train stops only for two minutes, let's go.

GUN: Ahhh... Hey I have to go.

OFF:HEY! Give me your bag atleast.

PERSON: Oh I remembered, aren't you Ohm?

OFF: No, HEY! Hey the train is leaving. Come out quickly. What is your name? Come out quickly.

PERSON: I know this scoundrel. But I can't remember who he is.

GUN: Ahh.. Ohhh HUH! Did the train leave?

OFF: Yes, I told them that you are unwell. It didn't stop.


OFF: I also told that you have to meet Oab, But the train left.

GUN: Oh my god! I am dying , my head feel dizzy, oh my god


OFF: Let's go , let's go.

PERSON: Mr.OFF did you think that I wouldn't recognise you? I would complain about you right now.

GUN: (gulp,gulp,gulp...) 

OFF: What happened?

GUN: I am feeling better. What time is the next train?

OFF: It is at 6p.m.

GUN: What? But it is 6:15p.m. Is the train late?

OFF: I mean tomorrow morning at 6 p.m.

GUN: Oh no!

OFF: I have never seen a stupid boy like you who has travelled so far to get back something you have lost. You look worried.

GUN: Where will we stay now?

OFF: I was thinking about the same thing. 

OFF: Look don't hit me( where has he come from?) Here me out first. AHH! At least here me out. Stop it ,Otherwise. BANG*

GUN: What did you do?

OFF: He used to box with me like this since childhood. He is my elder brother.

BROTHER: Greeting! Ahh!

GUN: Hello! Elder brother?

OFF: Ummm... This is my place. Let's go.


( Guys this place will be imaginary, Okay)

GUN: Wow! what a beautiful place.  

OFF: Win what are you doing ? don't run.

WIN: Off uncle!


OFF: Mother in law!

M.I.L: Naughty boy!

OFF: Mother in law my ears! ahhhh..

Mother in law: Be quiet! You didn't inform us about anything and is returning after 3 months.

OFF: sister in law I had some work.

Mother in law: oh! Who is this boy?

OFF: He is a friend.

PAPA: See you were worrying for no reason . Didn't I tell you that he will return home before Nirin's marriage . See he is here.

OFF: Where is Nirin?

ELDER BROTHER: Off Nirin is here.

OFF: Nirin!

NIRIN: Hump!

OFF: Hey are you angry with me? Yes I made a mistake . Okay I apologise . Sorry. Forgive me.

NIRIN: snob*

OFF: Hey, are you crying?

NIRIN: I wrote many letters , you know brother went to city twice. But there was no clue about you.

OFF: Nirin what do I do, that's how I am.

NIRIN: I already informed mom that I won't get engaged tomorrow if you would not come .

OFF: Really? How could I not attend your engagement . Your engagement will be a grand affair.

NIRIN: I love you brother. Be seated let me bring water for you. 

OFF: Okay go.

Mother in law: Hey what happened?

OFF: Nothing.

Mother in law: are you crying?

OFF: I have only one sister. What will we all do if she get married ?

Mother in law: Off , this is how things work. Didn't I leave my house and come here?

OFF: Sister in law don't give me lecture. My sister was with me from 20 years  but she will leave this house forever . What kind of rules is this.


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