Chapter 16

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OFF: Hello!

OAB: This is Oab, may I speak to Gun?

OFF: Of course, hold on. It's Oab's call, come on.

GUN: Hello?

OAB: Hello Gun, How are you? I want to meet you Gun! Please don't refuse me. I have some important thing to discuss. Gun I'll be waiting for you in the happy valley. Okay?

GUN: O...kay...!

OFF: What did Oab said?

GUN: He wants to meet me.

OFF: How can you give me such a good news with a sad face? What's with you?

GUN: Nothing. ( P'OFF you are seriously an idiot.)

OFF: Get ready soon. Listen, please smile. I think it is the last scene of this drama.


At happy vally.........

OAB: I don't know where to start from. You know people who don't get their love are so unlucky. But the ones who get their love and can't recognise it are even more  unlucky. They loose their love! I am feeling guilty Gun. I shouldn't have ditched you.

GUN: Calm down Oab. I have gotten over it, you must move on too. One must live in the present not the past.

OAB: It's only good to hear. But dosn't happen in real life. Tell me honestly, Have you forgotten your past? Don't you love me anymore? You still love me Gun. Otherwise you wouldn't have created a ruckus on my engagement party yesterday. Last night even I realised that Jane wasn't meant for me. She's a different kind of girl. I am sure that you don't love P'Off either. Gun you have brought P'Off just to make me jealous, you are just pretending to love him. Please forgive me Gun, please come back to me. Please. I need you Gun, I need you.

GUN: I am sorry Oab. 

OAB: What?

GUN: I said I am sorry Oab , I am really sorry but I don't love you anymore. And I love P'Off very much. Yes I am sorry because at first I was pretending to love him to make you jealous, but I realised after a long time that it wasn't a drama it was love. But I am so unfortunate, because of you I can't even tell him that I love him. I hate you Oab, I really hate you. And about yesterday's engagement party I was not sad because you got engaged to Jane. Yes I was a little shocked but it didn't hurt. Yesterday I was jealous seeing P'Off flirting with some girls. I was upset because I knew that he would never love me Oab the way I love him. So it's better you forget about me. bye!

OAB: Gun.....

GUN: And one more thing Oab, don't tell him anything about what we talked today.


OFF: What happened?

GUN: Oab wants to go back to me.

OFF: Congratulations. ( atleast now you would be happy.) That means you'll leave in a couple of days.

GUN: I don't know whether we will get the ticket or not.( Can I say something before I leave, I really love you P'OFF)

OFF: Don't worry about the ticket. I'll book them.

GUN: Why are you in a hurry to get rid of me suddenly? I have troubled you a lot haven't I?

OFF: That's not true!( If I wish I would never let you leave me. Can I become selfish once.) I can go back to my house after you leave. I need to get my sister married. What will you do staying here? You have got what you wanted.

GUN: Yes!( No I did not got what I wanted and maybe I will never get it.)

OFF: You were overthinking necessarily, I knew that Oab will come back to you. True love never fails.

GUN: ( You are wrong P'Off, true loves fails. And It just did.)



You know guys, I just lost in a war, well it was not like a war but I still lost. I know I came here for Oab but I became selfish and here I am going to leave to Korea empty hand. You know I realised that I never loved Oab, it was just loneliness that took over me. I didn't know what is true love, not until I met P'Off.  He really taught me to love. I guess I would never love anyone else than P'Off.  I want to wait for P'Off to love me back even when I know that it is impossible. you know" WAITING IS A SIGN OF TRUE LOVE AND PAITENCE . EVEYONE CAN SAY I LOVE YOU, BUT NOT EVERYONE CAN WAIT AND PROVE IT'S TRUE."


You know I never believed in Love because I thought that it is useless, stupid. But do you know what love is the most beautiful, wonderful and amazing word in the whole universe. When I myself experienced it I got to know. Right now I want to Gun let know that I love him so much but after seeing him happy when Oab is ready to go back with him I don't want anything more. But I can tell you that no one can replace Gun's place in my heart. You know" MANY PEOPLE THINK 'I LOVE YOU' ARE THE BEST WORDS TO HEAR, BUT 'I LOVE YOU TOO' ARE THE GREATEST WORDS TO HEAR BACK"


Oh god, someone kill them they both are Idiot and crazy.

Thanks for reading, 

Let's see what happens. 

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