Chapter 15

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At Jane's party.......

GUN: I don't get it P'OFF. Why did Jane invite us to our birthday party.

OFF: In a war even the enemy has the right to attack. You attacked her many times now it's time for her to attack.

GUN: You mean to say that she wants to make me jealous?

OFF: She will feel worse if you will not feel jealous. Do you mind smiling? This is a little too much. Better. nice party. Be nice to Jane.


OFF: Hi!

JANE: Hi Gun.

OFF & GUN: Happy birthday!

JANE: Thank you! Meet my friends. This is P'OFF and this is Gun.

Friend 1: Gun! Is he Oab's Ex? Why did Oab leave him. He is cute for a boy.

Friend2: But Jane is more cute than him. you tell me whom would you choose  if you were him.

JANE: Come on friends. Don't mind them Gun. Have fun Bye!

GUN: I hate her, I am going to kill her.

OFF: Calm down gun, calm down.

After few minutes........

JANE'S Por: Dear friends can I have your attention please. Thank you. Jane come here. Oab you too. Today I am going to give you a big surprise. Today is not only Jane's birthday but also her engagement with Oab.

JANE: Hey Oab. I am so happy, what's wrong?

OAB: Nothing, You didn't tell me that....

JANE: Aren't you happy?

OAB: No no there's nothing as such that.

GUN: what is happening here did I really lose to her, Am I listening wrong . Oab is really getting engaged with Jane.


After few minutes.........

OFF: Ufff, Where is Gun gone...... found him. Let's go home Gun.

GUN: What's the hurry P'off, it's Oab's engagement party. Let's enjoy.

OFF: Oh my god Gun How much did you drink?

GUN: Relax P'OFF, The war is over Jane has won and I have lost.

OFF: Gun actually....

GUN: Oh come on P'Off, don't start lecturing me about what I need to do. I am not a doll P'Off. Even I am a human being. Even I have a heart. Even I feel hurt.

OFF: Let's go Gun!

OAB: Gun!

GUN: Hi Oab. Many many congratulations 

OAB: Gun I need to........

GUN: You know something Oab? You are a bastard. UNDERSTAND? And you fiance....... You know what she is?

OFF: Hello Oab!

GUN: Even he knows what she is.

OFF: Let's go, come on.

GUN: She is a super bitch.


Next morning..........

OFF: Are you leaving?

GUN:  What will I do if I stay here?

OFF: Will you be happy without Oab?

GUN:( This time it is not for Oab, P'Off) I was happy even before meeting Oab. I used to enjoy life. Everything was normal. You know something P'OFF. It really hurts when you dream of something and it dosen't get fulfilled. So I have decided not to dream anymore.

OFF: Don't smile to much Gun, I can clearly see the tears in your eyes. So you accepted defeat.

GUN: Yes P'OFF, I lost. I am fed up of fighting my destiny.

OFF: Gun, Oab will surely come back to you. Last night, it was clear from his expression that he had engaged to her out of compulsion. Yes Gun you are almost there, don't give up now. Try to see things from my point of view.

GUN: What?(P'Off, you really don't understand, do you? I am not crying because I lost Oab , I am crying because I lost you. You would never love me the way I love you, yes p off I like you and I got to know about this very late.)

OFF: I can see that Oab is going back with you to Korea. Don't look at me Gun, close your eyes . One person not only dream with his eyes closed but also sees the truth which he fails to see otherwise . Please Gun, close your eyes. Can you see the house you wanted to buy? You have bought the house and happily dancing in the courtyard. See whose standing at a distance? It's Oab, he is waiting for you Gun. Go to him. What happened why did you open your eyes.

GUN: ( I opened my eyes because it was not Oab, P'off it was you, it was never Oab It was always you, I wish I can tell you all this)

OFF: You saw Oab didn't you? Then close your eyes. 


After few minutes.......

OFF: What happened?

GUN: Nothing 

OFF: Gun don't worry, you're dream will definitely come true.

GUN: (It can never be P'Off)

Ring..... ring.....

OFF: Hello!

OAB: This is Oab, may I speak to Gun.


Thank you for reading.

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