Chapter 12

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Next day.....

GUN:Uncle! Uncle!

POR: Oh yes?

GUN: Coffe for you.

POR: Sit down Gun.

GUN: What were you thinking? What is Off doing in the field early morning?

POR: He is dreaming of something that never can be fulfilled.

GUN: Uncle, I didn't understand.

POR: All the fields that you see belonged to us at one point of time. But due to growing financial needs everything was mortgaged gradually. We cannot get it back now. How can we arrange for lakhs of rupees? But he is adamant that he will get it back. He roams different cities trying to arrange for the money. Gun when he is not here the family worries a lot about him. They miss him a lot. He doesn't pay heed to me. Please make him understand. He may pay heed to you. He won't win a lottery in the city. He can at least get this house if he works here with his brother. Tell me something . Nirin is engaged if we loose this house too how will she get married. Tell me.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GUN: Ahhh... beautiful isn't it?

OFF: You know what? These are mustard flower. When the flower blossom fully the seeds come out and mustard oil is extracted from it.

GUN: Really?

OFF: Yes. But this crop remains only for three months. We grow grains after that.

GUN: Grains?

OFF: Yeah, wheat.

GUN: Oh! You seem to know a lot about farming.

OFF: Earlier I used to work in the field with brother and grandpa. Why are you staring at me?

GUN: You call me crazy and idiot because I traveled so far to get something I lost but even you are roaming in the city to get back this field. Now tell me what's the difference between the two of us? Even you are crazy and stupid like me. Off Your family loves you a lot. They really miss you, you know. How do you stay away from them?

OFF: This is how I am.

GUN: Don't be like this. Very few people in this world get this much love. Look at me I had only Oab's love but even that was snatched away. You may get back your field but I don't think I would get my love back.

OFF: Gun! you will get your love back, I will help you unite with Oab( Even if it hurts me) . Henceforth consider me as your friend.( I will at least be happy to stay by your side as a friend). I promise you that I will definitely get back your love.

GUN: Ummm.... Thank you! Tell me this you want to get these field back and free your home, you also want to get Win treated. Have you made any arrangement for all of this? Or will you win a lottery in Korea.

OFF: Gun, what shall I say? I had won a lottery worth 25 lakhs, if only I could claim it, I wouldn't go back to the city. I would stay here peacefully with my family. But I hadn't given up yet. I have to work harder, I lost the dam lottery ticket.

GUN: Is this your lottery ticket?

OFF: Ahhhhhhhhhh... THIS! Gun You....

GUN: This is how I am! Hahahahahahah.....


POLICE: Sir we have been driving regularly since the past 12 hours, shall we stop somewhere and eat something?

TAY: Oh! you are hungry, why didn't you told me then?

POLICE: I am about to die out of hunger. That's why I informed you.

TAY: You are so strange. You complain a lot. Come have some peanuts.


TAY: Have it, don't hesistate. DID it make any differece?

POLICE: Yes sir, my stomach is full.

TAY: See! you will enjoy if you are with me. Now Drive faster now.

At Off's house...

GUN: Bye uncle! bye aunty! bye bye

Time skips..

At the resort....

M.C: Sorry sir, we can allot you only one room.

OFF: Gun what do we do now only one room is left?

GUN: What can we do, take it.

M.C: Sir will you pay by cash or card?

OFF: Card.

At night....

Gun Is sleeping at the bad as Off has taken the sofa.


OFF: Yes?

GUN: Are you sure that I will get Oab back?

OFF: Only if you follow my advice. Tell me, What will you do if you meet Oab?

GUN: I will punch him very hard first and I will pull out Jane's hair.

OFF: Even Oab would have thought that you will create a scene if you will meet him. But don't prove him right. If he gets to know that you can't live without him he won't value you. We should never let anyone realise how much we love them. Instead make him feel that you are happier without him and that you are also in love with somebody.

GUN: Somebody else? who?

OFF: Me!( I wish you can really love me!)

GUN: You!

OFF: Yes Gun! You are in love with me! You have come here for me not Oab.

GUN: Okay! I think It's a very good idea. This will be a good drama.

OFF: Listen, in order to win a war the first attack should be well planned. We will discuss the plan tomorrow now sleep. good night.

GUN: Good night.


Gun be careful to not fall for off really it is just acting.

Thanks for reading guys.

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