Is it weird? (7)

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Serin's POV

"What're you guys doing out here?"

Jinhwan raised his brow skeptically, crossing his arms over his chest. The look he was giving us was so menacing that I wanted to hide behind Junhoe and get this day over with, but with my luck, that wasn't happening. Junhoe wrapped his arm around my shoulder, smirking deliberately to piss him off.

"Oh, nothing," Junhoe started. "Just asking out the prettiest girl I know."

The tension between them was so thick, I felt awkward just standing there.

"That true?" Jinhwan asked, his menacing glare was straight towards me. My silence was enough to answer. Jinhwan stuck his hands in his pockets. "Aight, cool. Looks like you finally got what you wanted."

He brushed passed us, hitting my shoulder as he went. Junhoe held tighter onto me as we walked into the studio, but when I turned my head back to look at him, Jinhwan was already out of sight.

"You okay?" Junhoe asked.

"Ye-yeah... It's nothing."

It's just... I've never seen Jinhwan's eyes look so sad.


I could still feel the lingering effects of Junhoe's kiss on my cheek. I felt strange... But I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I had a few spare cameras in the back room of the studio, which Hanbin and Bobby helped set up.

"Yah~" Hanbin cooed. "Se, why's your face so pink?"

"Yeah, are you getting sick?" Bobby cut in.

I awkwardly waved it off, "It's nothing.. It's just a bit stuffy in here."

I couldn't tell them about Junhoe. About Jinhwan and about the kiss... even if it was on the cheek, it was my first. And I guess I'm still flustered over it. As I readjusted the angles of the cameras, Junhoe came up behind me and hugged me, causing Hanbin and Bobby to stare skeptically.

I stuttered. "Ju-Ju--"

"Ju-Ju?" Junhoe repeated. "I like it. But only if you call me it."

Hanbin rolled his eyes while Bobby merely scoffed. "What are you doing?"

"Uh.. Hugging my date. Is that so weird?"

"Yeah, it is."

The four of us turned around and saw Jinhwan carrying in snacks with an emotionless expression on his face. Donghyuk and the other boys were just awkwardly standing there, watching as Junhoe and Jinhwan stared each other down. FInally, after an awkward silence, Jinhwan broke the ice.

"I bought snacks. Let's hurry and get this filmed so I can go home."

Shifting awkwardly, I got out of Junhoe's grip and stationed myself at the main camera. The guys looked at me strangely before getting into their positions. I held up three fingers.




I clicked the record button on my camera and pressed play on the music. Tonight's dance video was to CL's Mental Breakdown. As they were dancing, the atmosphere amongst the guys seemed to lessen, as if dancing was their outlet. Well, I guess you could say it was.

The guys have been performing ever since I've met them. Their movements, their expressions, everything about them I envied. But most of all, I envied how they all have each other's backs. Even if they're fighting now, no matter what, all of them act and treat each other as brothers. And brothers do fight, but they also stick together.

And I wish I had more people like that.

But I guess Han-dork and Booby are fine too. I giggled to myself.

As the video came to an end, I thanked the guys and began putting up my cameras. The guys said their thanks back and began filing out of the studio.

"Do you need help packing up?" Junhoe asked with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"No thanks. I got it, you can go home early, I have to talk with Hanbin anyway."

"Oh.. alright," He smiled, then grabbed his bag. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

As Junhoe left the studio, my breathing became a bit easier. Glancing around the room, I thought I was the only one in here. Hanbin and Bobby must've gone to the rest room...

As I unscrewed the camera from the tripod, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. My body froze, but then the mysterious figure placed his head on my shoulder.

"Shh, don't scream." It was Jinhwan. "Just stay like this for a moment."

Jinhwan was... hugging me? Bu-but he hates me... right?


"Why does he get to hold you like this?" He suddenly blurted. "Is it weird for me to too?"

As the studio doors creaked open, Jinhwan let go, grabbing his bag as if nothing happened.

Does Jinhwan....


....Like me?


Sorry for the short update, I'll try making them longer and more interesting >_< but I hope you liked it~

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