Make-Over (2)

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Serin's POV

At school the next day, the dance performance was all anyone talked about, all except me, Hanbin, and Bobby. The three of us were in the library, hiding from the guys. Hanbin was writing stuff down while Bobby observed me. He made me stand up, turn around, and look side to side, but in the end, he merely grimaced.


"You're not very... feminine." Bobby said, causing Hanbin to chuckle.

"Thanks." I deadpan, brushing the stray fringe from my eyes. "Exactly how am I supposed to 'seduce' Jinhwan? Doesn't he already have like... 5 girls chasing after him?"

"If our plan works, you'll be the only one he'll think about." Hanbin said matter-of-factly. Hanbin continued writing down notes, glancing at us occasionally.

Bobby stared at me, then pursed his lips. "Aren't you supposed to be a girl?"

I scrunched my brows, then smacked his shoulder. "Yah! You want to die? Of course I'm a girl!"

As Hanbin chuckled, I hit his arm too.

"It's not funny! Do I not look like a girl??"

"No, you do, you do... it's just..."

"Just what?" I growl.

"Well one," Hanbin cut in. "You're vicious."

"Two," Bobby interjected. "You dress like a tomboy."

"Three, you hang around us so much that you kind of act like a guy."

"And four, because you hang around us so much, guys are afraid to approach you and you're too easy going that it scares them."

"Like seriously," Hanbin says with raised brows. "Have you ever NOT been intimidated by a girl?"

I shifted awkwardly. "Girls are pretty scary..."

"Exactly," Bobby says. "And you aren't. So most guys aren't used to that."

I pursed my lips. "So you're saying that I should act scary, in order for Jinhwan to like me?"

The guys facepalmed.



"Serin, just..."

"Just stop talking."

The two were finishing each others sentences, dissing me in the process. I rolled my lips into a line and took a seat next to Hanbin to see what he was writing. He, in turn, moved the notebook before I could see it, causing me to pout.

"Aw look!" Bobby smiled. "She looks girlly when she's sad!"

I furrowed my brows as Hanbin chuckled.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Hanbin chuckled. "After school, we're giving you a makeover, so be prepared."

Soon, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to Bobby and Hanbin, then went to my class. But, now that I think about it... was Jinhwan really worth it?

I'm changing who I was for someone who probably wouldn't like me no matter what I did.

But then again... what if it works?

Would he like me then?

As I walked to my class, I took my regular seat next to Junhoe and Jinhwan. Since I'm always around Hanbin and Bobby, the rest of their group members seemed to be okay with me being around too... except for Jinhwan.... But he hasn't complained in awhile so...

"Ahh Se~ Who do you think is hotter? Me or Jinhwan?" Junhoe perked.

My brows furrowed and my face began to heat up. "W-Why would you ask that?? I don't know."

Jinhwan rolled his eyes, causing my expression to drop a bit.

Junhoe laughed at me, patting my back. "I was kidding Se, lighten up, haha."

"She obviously doesn't think either one of you trolls is attractive." Mino jokingly said as he appeared out of nowhere. "Cause when it comes to looks, everyone knows I'm the real MVP."

I laughed as Mino began to give the guys a hard time, but stopped when I noticed Jinhwan looking at me. Why does he do that? Does he know that he makes me feel this way? Does he do it to torture me??

Jinhwan smirked.

OMO, does he read minds?!

I buried my face into my literature book, hoping class would pass by fast.

But knowing my luck, it never does...


As the last bell of the day rang, I went to Hanbin's locker, waiting for the two.

"You waiting for someone?"

I turned around and came face-to-face with Jinhwan.

"I-uh.. um.. Yeah." I stuttered a response. Interally, I just slapped myself. "Hanbin and Bobby wanted to do something afterschool."

"Oh." Was all he said, before sticking his hands in his pockets. "Nevermind, I guess."

I watch as he walks down the hall. God, even the way he walks is attractive. I cringe just thinking about it. My hands snake their way through my hair and I rest my head against the lockers.

"What are you doing?"

They asked in sync. I made a face and waved the subject away.

"Nothing, just embarrassed myself like usual."

"Well," Bobby raised his brow. "Finish embarrassing yourself so we can go make you over."

I rolled my eyes. "So what do we start with?"

Hanbin pointed to my outfit and smirked. "Bobby and I have to redo your whole wardrobe."

As I stared at them in shock, but they merely smirked before heading out. We headed to my house first, and oh, how I wish we didn't.

"Do you still wear this?" Bobby asked, holding up multiple sweaters.


He threw them in the bin. "Not anymore you don't."

As Bobby searched through my shirts and jeans, Hanbin was going through my makeup, well, what little makeup I had. Left and right, things were being thrown into bins. I plopped onto my bed, watching as the mess unravelled before my very eyes.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Hanbin looked up from my vanity and raised a brow. "Are you seriously doubting us?"

"No but--"

"Exactly." They both cut me off. When they were finished with what they were doing, my closet was empty, and the only thing that remained out of my makeup was a small tube of chapstick. Hanbin grabbed his phone and began typing away.

"Okay, Hayi and Suhyun will get you a new wardrobe and don't worry about the cost, your parents said they'd cover it."

"WHAT." My eyes grew wide. "My parents--"

"Want a girly daughter. So they're perfectly okay with this." Bobby reassured. "As for you, Hanbin and I have something in store for you."

They both shared knowing glances and when they smirked, I knew I was in trouble.

I looked up at the ceiling, closing my eyes as I began to mutter. "Please... Just let me live through this, please..."

Is it okay so far? >_< should I continue?

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