Him (10)

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Serin's POV

With the light streaming though the curtains, I found myself wrapped in Jinhwan's arms. He was fast asleep, but as I tried to move, he pulled me closer to him. I could feel my face heat up... I've never been this close to somebody before.

"If you keep staring, I might have to kiss you." Jinhwan muttered under his breath. I froze. He was awake..?

He kissed the tip of my nose, causing my face to blush yet again. "Go back to sleep."

"But the sun's up."

I sat up, only to be pulled back down to the bed. He pulled me under the sheets with him and as the sun was shining through the sheets, Jinhwan's face resembled something angelic. As he hovered over me, his smirk had me in a daze.

"I just want us to be like this for a little longer." He muttered as he laced our fingers together.

I smiled, giggling at him. "Fine, just stop that."

He looked puzzled. "Stop what?"

"Stop making my heart beat so fast."

Jinhwan smiled. "No promises."


Everything was like a dream. For me to actually be this close to Jinhwan, and for Jinhwan to not push me away was like a dream. But the funny thing is that this was reality. Jinhwan likes me. He actually likes me.

When I woke up for the second time that day, it was to the sound of a camera going off. After a few more clicks, I just snuggled my face into Jinhwan's chest. I didn't feel like waking up.

"Yah," Jinhwan's voice groaned. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

I heard voices snicker. "This is totally going into the photo album."

Jinhwan groaned again, pulling me closer to him. "Go away."

"And miss the opportunity to black mail you?" Yunhyeong laughed. "No thank you."

Another click went off, but this time Jinhwan chucked a pillow at them. "You're gonna wake her up."

"But it's sooooooo cute."

"But if you think about it,". Chanwoo started. "This might be dangerous."

As Jinhwan sat up, I fluttered my eyes open. Rubbing at my eyes, I sat up too.

"How could this be dangerous?" Jinhwan raised his brow.

"Well," Chanwoo said pointedly. "Hanbin and Bobby might have a fit. Oh and Junhoe, you can't forget about Junhoe."

"True." Donghyuk agreed.

Yunhyeong showed the other two the pictures he got, which caused them to squeal like fan girls. Jinhwan and I raised our brows.

"What? We've been shipping this since Jinhwan told us he liked you--"

Yunhyeong was cut off by Jinhwan chucking a pillow violently at him. "Stop."

The guys laughed, causing me to giggle with them.

"What time is it?"

"It's 5:14 PM."

I quickly got out of bed, and after I straightened out my dress, I glanced back at the guys.

"Sorry, I was supposed to be home at 11," I stated. "...yesterday."

"I'll walk you home." Jinhwan said, earning snickers from the three guys. Needless to say, he rolled his eyes.

Jinhwan grabbed his jacket, then pointed at the guys. "Show anyone those pictures and you're dead."

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