Jinhwan (13)

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I'm sorry for not updating in over a year, but I back, and hopefully it's for good!






"Is the camera on?"

Serin cutely asks, tilting her head from side to side.  Jinhwan chuckles as he continues to film.

"The camera has been on, dummy."

Serin makes a face, then giggles anyway.  "I'm not used to be on this side of the camera.  I like filming, not being filmed!"

Jinhwan smiles as he sees his beautiful girlfriend through the lens, "You should be filmed more often. You're too beautiful to not be."

Serin hid her face with the sleeves of her hoodie, "I'm not used to blushing this much.."

Jinhwan reaches to grab her hand, admiring the blushing beauty.  As he pulls her in, he switches the camera around to face them, and kisses the top of her head.

"I love you, Se.  You're perfect either way."


"Welcome to my first ever vlog," Serin gasps excitedly. "It won't be much, but I just wanted you guys to see something."

The screen then switches to face the ground as Serin shuffles though the house.  As she sneaks downstairs to the basement, she opens the door quietly.  There, showed the guys all sleeping after a tough rehearsal.  Serin giggles.

"Okay so,"  Serin starts quietly.  "Here we have Hanbin who is cuddled with his trusty notebook.  Like seriously, who sleeps with a notebook??"

The screen switches to Serin as she makes a judgmental face, then back to Hanbin.

"Next we have Donghyukkie and Boobs, oh I mean, Bobby."  The camera shook slightly as she giggled. "Ah, kyeopta."

"Yunhyeonggie and Chanwoo are over on the bean bags.."  The camera switches.  "I swear they could be twins... Like fraternal twins."

As the camera switches back to the guys, Serin begins to shuffle through the clutter of boys and water bottles.  Finally, she gets to the reclining chair.  Zooming in, the camera captures the image of a cute, dark haired boy quietly dozing off.

"This,"  Serin says dramatically, "is probably the cutest thing you've ever seen.  And no, I'm not talking about the boy-who-keeps-trying-to-get-me-to-call-him-Oppa, I'm talking about this."  The camera begins to zoom in even more, revealing...

"Tedz, the teddy bear."

As the screen zooms in, a light brown, medium sized teddy could be seen in full.  Serin giggles, causing the dozing boy to stir in his sleep.  Serin switches the cam to face her and leans down to show her trying to take Tedz.  Jinhwan's eyes opens tiredly, but when he sees Serin, he smirks.

As her hand reaches over, JInhwan grabs it and pulls her towards him.  Shocked, Serin's eyes widen as Jinhwan takes the camera.  Jinhwan's tired expression is still evident, but as he leans in, he plants a kiss against her cheek.

"This is mine," he chuckles as he hugs onto the bear.  "But so are you."


Seducing Jinhwan (iKON Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora