Phase Two (4)

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Serin's POV

The two girls in front of me were considered the prettiest girls in school. From their shortened skirts to their perfect hair and complexion, it's no wonder why everyone envies them.

Suhyun blew a bubble with her bubble gum, sassily letting it 'pop' before speaking.

"So, this is our project?" She asks, indicating me.

"But she's already so pretty," Hayi cuts in. "Hanbin, are you wasting our time?"

"Wha??" Hanbin stutters. "N-No! Serin really needs your help, because the guy she likes is..." Hanbin leaned to whisper in Hayi's ear.

Hayi's eyes widened, then, a wicked smile appeared on her face.

She began strutting towards me and stopped once she got right in front of me. She pursed her lips and smiled brightly.

"This shall be fun."

Grabbing my hand, she skipped back to Suhyun, grabbed her hand and then proceeded to an unknown location. I stared back at Bobby and Hanbin with pleading eyes, but they merely waved goodbye.

Once we were out of earshot, the two girls spun on their heels, examining me from head to toe.

"So," Hayi pursed her lips, staring at me intently. "You like my step-brother."

"What?" Suhyun and I said at the same time.

"You like Jinhwan Oppa?" Suhyun asked in disbelief. "But--"

"Oh shush, will ya?" Hayi says. "Everybody knows you like Bobby so stop frontin'."

Suhyun's face became bright red, causing me to snicker a laugh.

"You... Like Bobby?" I ask, but she smacks my arm in response. "Oww.."

"Yeah and you like Jinhwan, anything else?" Suhyun sassily says, blowing another bubble with her gum.

"Girls, girls," Hayi snaps. "Stop fighting, we have shopping to do."

We went to the mall, then to many different places, from Victoria Secret to Forever 21, we went everywhere. Bags and bags later, we hit the foodcourt to grab a bite to eat. Turns out, Hayi and Suhyun were actually pretty cool. Other than shopping, the two knew more about stuff that I liked than I thought they'd be. They liked video games!

We were laughing, having a good time when my phone buzzed.


"Serinnnnnnnn, we have an issue." It was Hanbin. "Let me talk to Hayi."

"Um.. Okay?" I handed my phone to Hayi. "It's Hanbin."

Hayi's mood instantly perked from hearing Hanbin's name. As she grabbed the phone, Suhyun turned to me.

"Hayi's had a crush on Hanbin ever since she met him." She snickered, causing Hayi to smack her arm.

Hayi hung up the phone and handed it back to me. "Is it okay if we spend the night?"

I blinked. "Uh.. sure?"

"Alright," Hayi stood up, taking a sip from her drink. "We have to hit three more stores, and then we have to meet back up with the guys for Phase three."

My eyes widened. "How many Phases are there???"

Hayi snapped her fingers. "Don't ask questions. Now c'mon. We have to hit Sephora, Bare Minerals, and Mac before we leave."

"Is that a smoothie shop?" I ask, but recieved laughs instead.

Suhyun pinched my cheek. "Oh Serin, you're so cute when you're stupid."

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