Beautiful (9)

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Serin's POV

I watched as Jinhwan grabbed a beer from the mini fridge in the corner of the room. I watched as he popped the cap, taking a long drink from the alcoholic liquid. I remember how he would tell everyone how much he hated drinking, but then... why was he now? Standing before me, was a different Jinhwan. The one who hated me, the one who hugged me... and now, the one who is drinking his problems away.

I cleared my throat.

"What do we need to talk about?"

I crossed my legs, sitting at the edge of the bed. Jinhwan said nothing, merely taking another sip of his drink. Setting down the bottle, Jinhwan pulled up a chair, sitting it right in front of me. Then, he sat, staring ever so intensely into my eyes.

He smirked.

"There's a lot we have to talk about." He started. "But first, let's talk about Junhoe."

It was then that I noticed the light, bruised ring underneath his left eye. Slowly, my fingers traced along the side of his face, careful not to press down. The bright, drunken smile on his face had faded, and in its place, held a soft grin.

My eyes met his.

"Did he do this?"

Jinhwan rolled his eyes. "Nah, the freakin' tooth fairy did this. Who do you think?"

I stuck my tongue at him. "Well, okay then... Why did Junhoe do this?"

"We were fighting," Jinhwan stated. "Over you."

I blinked. "Over me? What did I do?"

Jinhwan scoffed, laughing humorlessly. "For someone as smart as you, you really are dense. You ruin everything. Everything that I've tried working so hard for, you broke it down like it was nothing."

I shifted uncomfortably, looking down at my hands. I know I'm a nuisance, and I know that I ruin things... so why is he telling me all this?

"What're you talking about?" Jinhwan's face was now dangerously close to mine. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Leaning in closer to me, his lips hovered over mine causing me to tense. "It's because... you drive me crazy."

"Jinhwan, you're drunk." I warned. "Stop this before you do something you will regret."

He smirked. "I'm not drunk enough to not know what's going on. Serin, I don't hate you. I just... don't know how I feel about you." Jinhwan sighed, taking a seat on the bed next to me. Laying on his back, he stared up at the ceiling. "But I do know this. I hate it when you're around other guys. Junhoe, Hanbin, Bobby... it, it makes me upset and I don't like it."

"That's why..." I muttered, "That's why whenever I'm with them, you look mad. I always thought you were mad at me..."

Jinhwan gave a small smile. "No, I don't think I could ever actually be mad at you--"

"But you just told me that I ruin things." I cut him off. "Doesn't that mean--"

"Se," He cut me off. "You ruin me."

I stared at him, puzzled. "What the hell does that mean??"

I got up to leave, but he grabbed my wrist. He sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is..." He took a deep breath.

"I think I like you."


I stared at the boy in front of me with wide eyes. My heart began to pound and I thought I was going to explode. Did he just...?

"Se," Jinhwan said, waving his hand in front of my face. He chuckled awkwardly. "This is the part where you're supposed to say something back."

I blinked, snapping out of my daze. "I-- I..." I stuttered. "I got to go." I awkwardly said as I went for the door, but it was no use. Jinhwan grabbed onto my arm, pulling me back to the bed. As he hovered over me, I felt my face start to heat up.

"Stop running away from me," He pouted. "It's not nice."

"No," I started. "What's not nice is the fact that all this time, you acted and even told me that you hated me, so why now? Why do you choose now to decide that you like me? Yeah, it's a dream come true for me, but why? Is it because I look different now? Or act different? Cause to be honest, that not the me that I want you to like."

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I confessed, but they wouldn't fall. Jinhwan merely blinked, then sat up and began to chuckle.

"I like the real you, Se," He said calmly.

I paused.

"Then why did you never ask me out?" I asked as tears continued to brim my eyes.

"Because I didn't think you wanted me to."

"I know you." I muttered. "I know that you only date pretty girls, but am I not pretty enough for you now? I changed everything, everything... just for you. I wanted you to notice me, I didn't want you to hate me anymore and ---"

His lips connected to mine, silencing me in the process. My tears helplessly fell, but as they were running down my face, Jinhwan cupped my cheeks, deepening the kiss. My first kiss... When he broke away, I stared at him with a confused expression.

"Serin, I never thought you were pretty..." As he said that, I thought my world was about to crash beneath my feet, but before I could try to run away again, he grabbed onto my hand, entwining our fingers.

"Because I always thought of you as something Beautiful. Not pretty."


Sorry for the wait! I'm sorry if this chapter sucks >_< I don't really like it, but I hope that you guys do... y'know... like it. Haha. I'm sorry if it's confusing too by the way. Comment what you think?

Seducing Jinhwan (iKON Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora