The Dance (1)

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Serin's POV

I watched in awe as he moved on stage. The way his body went in sync with the music, I was completely and utterly mesmerized. But it wasn't just one person on stage. It was a whole group; my best friend's group to be exact. But my eyes were only trained on him.

Kim Jinhwan.

He, to me, stood out the most. The way he moved.... It was just breathtaking. But there's one problem.

He only likes pretty girls.

And I don't fit that category to him.

As the music slowly came to an end, each of the members came off stage and my two best friends, Bobby and Hanbin, ran to me and asked how they did. To be honest, I wasn't watching them, but I gave them my best answer since no matter what they do, they were flawless at it.

"Still drooling over Jinhwan, right?" asked Bobby, but I shook my head, the look of disappointment spreading over me.

"You know as well as I do that that will never happen..."

Hanbin gave me a sad smile and hugged me, "It'll be fine, plus if it doesn't work out, Bobby's still single."


Hanbin and I chuckled. "C'mon guys, let's go home."

I took one last look at the crowd and saw Jinhwan looking at me, but when our eyes met, he looked away.



When we got back to my house, we said hello to my parents then headed to the basement. Bobby and Hanbin left their stuff in the usual place while I went to the computer and hooked up the recorder. I was incharge of recording and posting their videos online.

"Did you get my good side?" Bobby asked as he hovered behind me. My brows scrunched as I clicked on the icons.


"Se, what's going on?"

I began to click furiously, searching through the clips. I gripped the sides of my head, groaning in disappointment.


"What's happening?"

I covered my face with my hands and sighed. "Guys, I'm so, so sorry..."

"What happened?" Hanbin asked. "Are you hurt?"

I chuckled humorlessly. "The only thing that's hurt is my pride. I ruined the video. Look."

Hanbin and Bobby leaned in close to watch the video, and when they noticed it, they stared at me with smiles wider than normal.

"You recorded... Jinhwan."

"Only Jinhwan."

"I didn't think I did!" I explained. "I-I don't know what happened!"

Hanbin sent Bobby a look and they both smirked.

"Your crush is getting out of control." Hanbin laughed.

"Ugh. It's not a crush! I-I'm sorry guys...." I made a face. "Do you think we can get the guys together before tonight ends? I promise I won't mess up this time."

"Yeah, yeah," Bobby stuck his tongue out. "You just want to see Jinhwan again."

I sent him a look, telling him to stop. "Look, I didn't mean to okay? And please stop with the whole Jinhwan thing. You know as well as I do that it won't happen."

"And why not?"

"Cause I'm not..." I scrunched my brows, thinking for a word. "Nevermind. Can you just call the guys together? Tell them to meet us at the studio."

I got up before they could ask me anything else, grabbed my recorder and my jacket and headed towards the door.

Hanbin and Bobby exchanged glances yet again before smirking and heading towards my direction.


"So how did the video get ruined?" Junhoe asked as we all met up at the studio. Bobby and Hanbin just smirked at me, causing me to sigh.

"There was a fan in my way and I didn't notice it, so it's mainly just of her." I lied.

"Can we watch it?" Jinhwan asked, but I shook my head.

"I already deleted it." I lied again.

"Let's just get this over with okay?" Hanbin stepped in. As the guys got situated, I cued the music and the video began. The song was called "Get Like Me."

I made sure to video everyone but when Jinhwan's solo parts came up, I blushed, but hopefully it wasn't noticeable. As the video came to an end, I thanked the guys and they each gave me a hug, except for Jinhwan... but eh, I wasn't expecting one from him anyway.

When everyone left, Hanbin and Bobby both looked at me with a mischeivous gleam.

"We'll help you."

"With what?" I asked, looking at them skeptically.

"Seducing Jinhwan."


Hello! This is my first iKON Fanfic, I hope you'll like and support it! Comment what you think, or if I should continue?

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