Junhoe (14)

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So, first off, I'm sorry this update took me a while, I got in a car accident recently.  And my little brother has been nonstop using my laptop for Minecraft purposes.  Literally KMS.


"Go away."

Junhoe glared, attempting to slam the door in his ex-best friend's face.  Jinhwan managed to wedge his foot in before the door could slam, holding it open with his hand.

"Jun, just hear me out."

Jinhwan pushed open the door as Junhoe stepped aside.  His face still held his sour glare, but moved over nevertheless.  As Jinhwan stepped in, Donghyuk and Yunhyeong followed in behind him.

"What do you want?"  Junhoe crossed his arms over his chest, raising a brow at his old friends.

Jinhwan grimaced as he glanced around the room, "Your place is a mess."

Junhoe rolled his eyes, but before he could open his mouth, Jinhwan spoke up.

"I want my best friend back."  Jinhwan lifted his head up, meeting his tired eyes with Jun's.  "It's not the same without you."

Junhoe shifted, tearing his eyes away from Jinhwan's.  "I don't know if I can forgive you.."

Donghyuk scrunched his brows, letting out a heavy sigh.  "What do you mean forgive?  You knew Jinhwan liked Serin.  But you took her away, and for what--"

Jinhwan sent Donghyuk a look, stopping him from saying anything else.

"I think you've got this wrong,"  Junhoe sighed.  "Jinhwan knew for years that I liked her and not once did he ever say he liked her.  He always said things like 'don't waste your time' or 'she isn't your type'--"  Junhoe stopped abruptly, his eyes widening.  "Oh."

"Yeah," Jinhwan shifted uncomfortably.  " 'Oh.' "

Yunhyeong rubbed his tired eyes, "Look, we need your help okay?  Yes, your friendship is important, but finding a missing person is probably a bit more important.  Will you help us?"

"I'm sorry," Jinhwan muttered with his head down.

Junhoe tsked, pulling the elder in for a hug.  "I'm the one who should be sorry.  After all this time, I never would've thought-- I'm sorry."

Yunhyeong groaned, leaning his head against a wall as the two reconciled their friendship.  "Does no one listen to me?"  He tiredly muttered.  "I'm speaking Korean.."

Donghyuk patted Yunhyeong on the back, "Let them have their moment."


Donghyuk shushed the nagging boy, patting his back.  "Just let them have their moment."




"So Serin called you?"

Junhoe's brows scrunched as the guys plopped down on the couch beside him.  After Jinhwan and Junhoe made up, the guys began to explain to him what had happened.  Junhoe still couldn't believe she hadn't came back yet, but stayed quiet as the guys explained.

"Did she say anything to you?  Like where she could be?"

Jinhwan shook his head.  "No.  She didn't.  But the police say they had found a phone and a backpack a few towns over, Hanbin and the others went to the station this morning to settle it."

"Have you tried tracing the call?"

Jinhwan chuckled half-heartedly.  "We need you for that."  Junhoe sighed as Jinhwan nudged him.  "Even you know that you were second best at this stuff, if anyone could do this, it would be you."

Junhoe rolled his eyes.  "I'll do it, but never say I'm second best."

Junhoe stuck his hand out sassily for the phone.  Jinhwan handed it over but chuckled at his ridiculous friend.  As Junhoe walked away, Donghyuk gave Jinhwan a look.

"Why didn't you tell him?  He's your best friend.."  Donghyuk asked.  Jinhwan looked away..

"You can tell us."  Yunhyeong encouraged, placing a hand on Jinhwan's shoulder.

"I don't know."  Jinhwan shrugged, looking at the ground as he spoke.  "I think it's because if I had told him, he would've still went after her.  I don't know why, but I feel like Serin would've picked him over me if I had let him pursue her."

Jinhwan looked into their eyes.  "Besides I'd rather none of us get her than for me to lose my best friend."




"Have you found where the call came from?"

Hanbin asked as they entered the house.  Hanbin, Bobby, and Chanwoo had spent the majority of their morning at the Police Station trying to find any leads on Serin's whereabouts.  They managed to find a clue, but they wanted to know what the others had found first.

"Yeah,"  Junhoe answered, ushering them into his room.  "From what I've gathered, the call came from a payphone outside of Gwangju.  But... it's so far away, I'm not even sure if the person who called was Serin."

Jinhwan had his brows scrunched.  "I'm positive it was Serin.  What about you guys?  Did you guys find anything?"

Bobby shrugged.  "Well, the cops say they found the bag near a bus station in Samcheok, but now I'm totally unsure."

"It's her bag,"  Hanbin interjected.  "Her school I.D was found in it, along with her phone and some clothes."

Junhoe bit his lip, an old habit of his when he got nervous.  "Can I see her phone?"

Hanbin handed over the device, skeptically.  "There's a password, but I don't know it."

Junhoe chuckled.  "It's Serin.  Most likely, the password is either 'Jinhwan' or something to do with Final Fantasy."

"Of course,"  Bobby lightly chuckled, nudging Hanbin with his elbow.  "Ah, our little nerd sure is causing a bunch of grief, isn't she?"  

Junhoe glanced up from the Device.  "Who was Se's favorite character?"

"Cloud, duh."  All six of the guys said in unison.  Junhoe smirked as Serin's phone clicked.

"Oh my god."

Jinhwan jumped to his feet.  "Junhoe you're a genius!  A slutty-fuckboy Genius!!!"

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