Seducing Jinhwan

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"He, to me, stood out the most. The way he moved.... It was just breathtaking. But there's one problem.

He only likes pretty girls.

And I don't fit that category to him." -Serin


Ahn Serin was the girl most people didn't notice. She didn't stand out much and the only thing she's really good at is messing with technology. No one really pays her any mind, and that includes


The boy she wishes she had.

So when her best friends notice, they try to make it their goal to make Serin the girl that everyone will want.

Especially Jinhwan.

Find out what happens in: Seducing Jinhwan!



Son Naeun - Ahn Serin

Kim Jinhwan - Jinhwan

Kim Hanbin - Hanbin/B.I

Kim Jiwon - Bobby

Jung Chanwoo - Chanwoo

Kim Donghyuk - Donghyuk

Koo Junhoe - Junhoe

Song Yunhyeong - Yunhyeong

Song Min-ho - Mino

Seducing Jinhwan (iKON Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz