act nine, scene five (m)

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I gulped and walked up to Ciaran, hoping it didn't look like an angry march. He was looking down so he didn't notice me right away, which meant that i needed to talk. "H-Hey" i stuttered out, shit i wasn't meant to do that. He slowly looks up at me, eyes widened as he realized it was me. "Hey," he replied to me, good so he doesn't hate me. "I'm sorry i slapped you." I apologized, i did actually feel bad. I was just angry that that moment, thinking he fooled me. "How did you find me?" He asked me, that i didn't have an answer to. "My hotel's down this way so, just a lucky coincidence." i giggled to him, 'cause it really was. "You'd say this is lucky?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I mean yeah, i've been trying to find you so the goal succeeded, right." I never thought that fair in my plan. I have no clue what to say to him. I have so much yet nothing will come out. "Why did you want to find me? So i can pour my heart out and get slapped again?" He asked quite angrily, i guess he is mad. And that made me feel bad, i didn't want him to think i was hurting him. "Ciaran, i'm sorry. I was just angry at you. You tried to kiss me." I defended myself, wrong move. "Angry at me? I told you everything i felt, about you, about us. Also you kissed me back, then slap me? What was that about?" He was getting angrier, this is our first fight and we aren't even in a relationship. "Please i was practically forced into that kiss, and i slapped you because i thought you were lying to me," I argued back to him, getting quite angry myself. "Lying to you? After everything, i told you?" "I don't trust you," I whispered to him, i swore i could see every emotion in his eyes. And it broke me.

"Fuck you, Alex. Fuck you and fuck off." He swooshed me away looking away from me. "I climbed a fucking fence for you." He wasn't going to tell me to fuck off, i've trekked my way here so i'm not leaving until i'm satisfied. "I do not care, i don't want to see you." Although it hurt, i knew he didn't mean it. But i can be stubborn so that's exactly what i'll be. "No, i'm going to sit down on the bench as my right as a human citizen." I declared and sat next to Ciaran on the bench. We were on opposite sides. We both sat there, soaking in all the tension and, for me, all the cringe. Now would be a good time for my speech. But i couldn't, every time i tried the words just stayed in.

"You look so pretty tonight." I turn my head to face Ciaran, he's still looking the other way from me. "It was like time stopped, the only thing i could think was you. It felt like, for once in my life, i could fix this. I could go away today knowing i did one thing right." He turns to face me. "And that was you not hating me." Right after that, i grabbed his face and passionately press him in for a kiss. He responses by just kissing me back with as much passion. This felt right, this is what i've spent all night looking for. Him. The kiss for more heated so he pulls me to straddle him on the bench. Why did we have to be so open in nature? I started to grind my hips into his, which he lets out a groan, so i repeat my actions. I felt a wetness pool down in my core and realized that i need him. "I've missed you." He groans into the kiss. "I've missed you too," I panted out "I need you," I whispered to him, grinding my hips also feeling his hard-on under me. "A little public don't you think?" He chuckled at him, i wasn't having any of it. I leaned into his ear, gently sucking on his ear lobe, "Didn't you say you wanted to fuck me by a tree." One of his hands gripped onto my hips tightly and the other grabbed my face. "You fucking slut," he chuckled at me, "i'll fuck you."

I started to get excited, it's like 4 in the morning in a park. Nobody is around. His hand from my face starts to trail down to the buttons of my jeans, working to unzip my pants. Once he has done that, he pushes his fingers past my underwear and rubs a finger down my clit, moving my wetness around with him. "After all this time, i still make you this wet, huh?" I moaned out in response as he slipes a finger inside of me and starts creating a fast pace. That man knows how to use his fingers. I gripped his hand to try and get him to slow down but it was no use, he only spend up the pace, causing me to let my body fall forward and onto his shoulder. "And you want me to fuck you?" he chuckled into my hair, still keeping up his fast pace. "Ciaran, please," i moaned out, feeling my stomach tighten as i became closer and closer. Then he stopped. Pulled his fingers out of me as i went back, pouting at him. "Don't worry," he started then taking his fingers and putting them in his mouth. "I want you to be around me when you cum." That right there was enough to make me cum.

He flipped me over so my back was now on the bench and he was over me. He grabbed my pants and pulls them down my legs, my body jumped at the coldness against my thighs. He hurried to undo his pants, aching to release his cock that had been trapped in his pants. He pulled his pants down a little and started to pump himself, lining up against my soaking entrance. "Wait, do we have a condom?" he asked looking up at me. I huffed out, "Ciaran i don't care, just pull out." He looked down at me and leaned down to kiss me roughly as he enters me. I moan into his mouth, as he stretched me unable to process what i was feeling. He started to thrust in and out getting a steady pace and my hands gripped onto his torse. My legs wrapped around his waist so i can feel him deeper in. "Go faster Ciaran please," i panted out at him, almost begging him. He sped up, going faster, "Such a needy girl, tell me what you want?" He teased me, i haven't missed that. I let out a string of moans, only for him to slow down that pace, i let out a needy whine. "Please Cia-please daddy, go faster." He let out an animalistic growl and started to fuck me at a brutal pace, one where i couldn't keep up with my breath. One of my hands went to the front of his chest to slow him down, but i ended up gripping onto his jumper due to the pleasure. "You like when daddy fucks you like this?" He whispered in my ear. "Yes," I screamed out, i know to always reply to him. One of his hands snaked down to my clit and started rubbing it, it was too much. "Always such a good girl for me," he praised and i started to clenched around him. "You gonna cum?" he mocked at me as i clenched around again, him groaning out. "Cum for me, angel." I squeaked out as i came around him, my whole body shaking. He rides my high out before quickly pulling out, i take my hand reach between us, and start pumping him myself, he groans in response, and not long before he releases and cums all over my stomach.

"Told you i'd fuck you by a tree."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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