act three, scene one

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I'm finally off of uni, which means i can see my family and spend my time with them. We thought Boston would be the best place to go as my dad's childhood best friend lives there. Also it looks like a pretty good place to go. I pack all my shit up and off to the airport i will go, i'm meeting the fam there as well so it will be F.U.N.

I arrive and let's just say it's a bit busy, with the holidays coming up i'm not that surprised. I heard my name being called from a distant and realised it was the man, the myth, the legend: my brother. Me and my brother always had a tight bond, he was my best friend and I was his. I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. Being away a uni made me realise how much I actual missed him. I have. Alot.

"Hello you slag", my brother, Max, greeted. He always calls me a slag 'cause he knows i'm the biggest virgin going.

"Well hello to you, minger", I greeted back. "Where's thing 1 and thing 2?" I was referring to our parents, you see our parents were only teens when they had my brother, then out came me so they were still fit and full of life. I don't know how, after having 2 kids i would've called retirement along time ago. But our parents are different, they bungee jump like ever other week. I'm exaggerating obviously but you get the point.

"Oh they saw a greggs and they just can't resist can they...oh here they come now" I turn my head to see where he is looking and of course I see my lovely parents, full of life and, i think, a vegan sausage roll.

"Oh honey, look at you. You are glowing" My mam practically pinching my cheeks. "You look like a young lady, all grow up", my dad cheers. I sometimes think they forget I only left like 3 months ago.

"Mam, Dad, stop it please. It's been less than 3 months since you saw me. I haven't changed much" I whined to them.

"Oh but honey, you are all alone now, all independent, all womanly. You've changed alot" My mam continued to ramble on as i rolled my eyes.

"You are so womanly, Alex. Still a virgin though" Max intruded. He loves to make fun of me, ever change he gets.

"Fuck off now" I fired back.

"Max stop it, you sister is just waiting for the right person. She wants it to be special." My mam praised. "Oh I agree, if i even think someone is touching you Alex, i'll kill them" My dad joining in.

"Can we stop this conversation now and go on the plane? please?" I begged. I do get abit embarrassed by it but nothing is worst then my parents bring it up.

And like that the conversation ended and we in the line waiting to board the plane. I'm very excited to go on vacation but a little nervous cause he-who-shall-not-be-named will be in the same city as me. What if he wants to see me? I don't think i can mentally do that.


alvin and the chip
munk:chipwreck is
the best film ever

i can't believe what
i'm reading
it's obviously the

i can't believe what
IM reading
you have to be joking

i'm not joking sir
bet your fav is simon

simone in chipwreck
hey there is nothing
wrong with simon
he's a smart king 😤

never said there was

soooo when you coming
to boston?

like rn. waiting to board
the plane

that sounds pretty funnn

ohhhh it is, love having my
body scanned incase
i'm smuggling in drugs.

knowing you, you probably
do, imma guess weed

pahahaha hahahah weed
weak. i do ket mate

😳do you actually?

no you idiot
i am a child of god

mmmh i don't think you are

what makes you think that?

do i need to remind you

remind me of what
why would you bring
that up
i hate you

hey you sent it, not me

you still looked perv

i was just observing art

okay can we stop talking
about it please

it was a good pic
i'd like more 😏

never gonna happen

oh why not?
do i have to get you
in the mood

id love to see you
try, you know i'm
pretty sure my mam
and dad would love to
see this too since they are
right next to me

don't bother me sweetheart

well it bothers me

aww someone's a
little angry
maybe when we meet,
i can help you relieve all

if we meet
and with they way
you are acting, no chance

mmh i like when you
are bossy

*image sent*

read ✔️✔️

What the fuck? I quickly turn off my phone. I know he did not just send me a dickity picity. I haven't fully looked at it since my parents are right next to me. Is he actual mad?


I'm kind of regretting this trip now.

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