act one, scene two

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After pulling a famous all-nighter, I got my assignment done and I passed the word limit, pretty proud of myself. If Miss Anderson gives me a D I swear I'll go off it. I didn't stay up all night just to do this stupid assignment so she can half mark it and give me a D. It was currently 8:39 and class started at 9, I don't live too far from campus so it's a 5 minute walk for me. I look at what I was wearing (a GOLF shirt and Nike sweatpants) and realised it will do, nobody saw me yesterday so I can pass it off as if it's a new outfit. I run to brush my teeth, only brush for like 30 seconds. I don't get how people can brush their teeth for 2 minutes, day and night. Chile anyways. I get my glasses 'cause I can't fucking see since my long sight vision is messed up but we don't talk about her. I decided on no makeup today since my acne wasn't TOO bad today, but still a little moisture would be fine. Uni life is fucking great. I grab all my shit and head off. I go on twitter to see what's up and nothing interesting is happening, but I remembered. I left bearface on read. Do I reply? Do I start a new convo?

good morning to you
GOOD morning to YOU

bro, it's like 12 over here
what you doing?

well mr.face, time zones
are a thing, you know
also what you doing up?

i live with 12 boys, what
are you expecting?

aww boohoo
listen to asmr

please say sike

what? asmr is v v good

bet you get off to that

and so what if i did?

hey, i don't judge
so i been born again gets
you going huh

am sorry, what?

you ain't hear ginger?

ohh yeah, sorry
just been busy with uni

boring! and I thought you
like me 😔

grow up, you'll live
i'll listen later

listen now!!!

i have class mr.face


sorry, i have class

that's better 😊😊
gonna hit the sack



means goodbye
in UK

I hope I haven't scared him away. He's really fun to talk to. Man, please tell me I haven't caught feelings. I mean I am a cancer, but still. It rolled on to 12:35 and I had my assignment all ready, turns out 5 people didn't do it and 3 claimed "they'd forgotten it" she gave us an extra day. Are you joking? I spent my night working on if Jeffrey Dahmer didn't get bullied he would be living a pretty sound life by now but noooooooo. She wants it in tomorrow. Utter piss take. It's going to be a long day.

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