act four, scene two

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"That is me, sir" why on earth did i call him sir. Am i thick. Am i stupid. To his face as well. Oh god.

"Good to know you the same as the messages" he chuckled. He comes closer to sit on the end right next to me. Our thighs touching. He just smirked at me. I took in how he looked, his acne jeans with no belt, his plain white shirt with that black jacket he wears, his mams homemade necklace, his dirty white nike air forces (can't really say much, i have black ones on) and his hair overlapping his eyes. Surprised he can see me.

"You need a haircut" I tell him, abit of disgusted mixed with humour in my voice.

"Everyone keeps telling me that, but i like this hair" He smirked at me.

"I'm glad someone thinks so" I smirked back at him. Im trying to play it cool but my hands are like a waterfall. Im panicking on the inside.

"I like your dress" i states as he takes the end of the material in his fingers, raising it slightly.

"T-thank you. It was pretty hot so, i put it on." I stuttered as he complimented me.

"You sure you didn't wear it for me?" he questions, probably cause i stuttered. But i did NOT put this dress on for him. Nooooo way.

"What? No. Why would i do that? I have no reason to" I defended myself but came more off like i was basically telling him i wore it for him. WHICH I DIDNT.

"Well i think you look very beautiful in it." My cheeks started to heat up fast and i was red as a tomato. No man has ever called me beautiful, unless it was my dad. This was very new for me.

Ciaran started to lean in closer to me and me being me, i panicked. He was about to kiss me. I've never kissed anyone before.

"Did you hear that there's gonna he another alvin and the chipmunk movie?" I questioned him. There wasn't actual. Anything to get him to NOT kiss me. He just looks down at me. Confused.

"No, is there?" he questions back at me. Scotching closer to me, if that is possible since he was practically on my lap now.

"Yes. Getting the whole cast back. I'm so excited." I tried to sound excited but it just sounded like a primary school nativity.

"Are you okay? I'm not repulsing am i?" He sounded kind of sad and i felt guilt. He was very pretty. Like so pretty. He was the opposite of repulsing.

"No! no. not at all. you are pretty. i've just never...kissed anyone before" I muttered the last bit so he wouldn't hear, but he did. Of course he did.

"What was that?" he chuckled, he heard me, he wanted to tease me that's all.

"I've never kissed anyone before, okay" I huffed out, crossing my arms out of embarrassment.

"Ohhhhhhh, hey, that's nothing to be embarrassed about" he brushed my hair behind my ear trying to look at my face.

"It is. I'm 19 and i've never kissed anyone. I'm at uni. i'm practically an adult." It's not that it's bad or anything. It's not that i didn't want to, i was just scared. What if i'm bad? What if i throw up in his mouth? I need to take these things into consideration.

"Alex, look at me. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Promise the time will come and it will feel right. Don't pressure yourself" Ciaran being all nice made me feel some way. He made me feel very reassured and confident and that everything is okay. It was pretty attractive, i must say.

I just stare at him for a few moments, then I quickly placed a peck on his lips. It was very fast but he noticed, obviously. I quickly look away from him but he had the biggest grin on his face. He grabbed my chin so i faced him again. He slowly brought his lips closer to mine and we kissed, this time for longer. Much, much longer. I slowly got the hang out it and soon we were making out. It felt really good, however his beard kind of irradiated my cupid's bow. I felt his tongue grace my lips and i opened my mouth to take this make out session further hehe. My hands ran though the back of his hair, there was much of it; making me realise maybe me does need a hair cut. I think he needs to bring back his iridescence hair. We slowly pull away and he just smirks at me. As much as I hate it, it was pretty fit.

"No pressure" he chuckled as i hit his chest. He's a real prick i can already tell.

I realised that i've been out from quick a while and i check the time and it was 6:23pm. My parents are probably shit scared.

"Shit I gotta get home" I panicked. I stood up and turned to him.

"What is this? Cinderella? You're 19, you're adult remember"

"Yes but i told them i was going out to buy some pads, pretty sure it doesn't take an hour" I answered back to him.

"Come on, you aren't here long, i'm not here long, you can always just say sorry" He was quite persuasive i must say. He was right. This is my life. When am I ever going to do this again? Never.

"Okay Mr.Face. Where to next?" I smiled at him. He just stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Follow me, then".

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