act seven, scene one

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I was awoken by a knock on my door, assuming it was my mam but no. It was my brother Max, i groaned as being woken up was not one of my favourite things in the world. "Wake up now!" he shouted through the door, not being funny but what is he doing. He sounded abit annoyed, surely not at me. I crawled out of bed and make my to the door, i looked like a disaster but as i opened the door i came face to face with my brother. He had his arms crossed staring right at me, i looked at him confusedly then pushed pass to go to the bathroom. "What's up with you this morning?" I asked, generally curious as something has pissed him off, i assume it was something mam or dad said. "Oh, i don't know, figured you'd help me out with that one." He bit back at me, i only ignored his moody tone and entered the bathroom. I go to close the door but Max stopped me, "Yo, i need to get ready, piss off." I laughed at him, he just narrowed his eyes. "Oh. Ready? Ready for Ciaran?" Max blurred out. My mam is such a snitch, why does she have to tell everyone everything. "I hate to break it to you, but I don't know who that is." I replied, eyes twitching along with me. "Oh okay, we'll just go ask our dearest mother." He threatened as he walked away, "Max, get back here." I declared as he spun around to face me again. "He's a friend," I told Max, he still looked unsatisfied with my answer, "He's just a friend. Okay? Promise." He huffed out neverless. "Is he fit?" he asked me, obviously i'm going to be biased, he's trying to trick me out. "Super fit actually, seems like your type," I technically wasn't lying, Ciaran is super fit. "Har Har very fun, get dressed, you look awful." He laughed then walked away. I let out a deep breathe that's been building up for awhile, today was going to be stressful.

I got ready then sat and chilled in my room for abit. I decided to wear my mom-jeans today, change it up bit also it was pretty chilly in the house so I needed to stay warm. I paired it with a jumper that my dad wears as i always steal his clothes since they are the most comfortable to pop on. Ciaran hasn't texted me all day, so i got alittle worried that he got creeped out and left. I was going to text him but I thought against it. I can't be chasing guys, haha. I go downstairs to help my mam with the food, she always needs an extra hand when it came to cooking. She tends to get herself stressed out. I helped out with the spaghetti since it was the easiest - yet i needed to make loads since we needed to feed my fam, my dad's mates fam and now Ciaran (if he shows up). I had to test to see if the spaghetti was cooked so, as anyone would do, i throw it at the wall. It didn't stick so that showed me that it wasn't cooked just yet. My mam shouted at me, saying we need to be respectful since we are guests but it went in one ear and out the other. Unknown to me, there was a knock at door and Max jumped up to answer it. I decided to do my test again and throw the spaghetti at the wall again but this time - it stuck. I was pretty proud of myself, if i do say so myself.

"Thought we're meant to eat food," I heard someone laugh, so i spun around and saw that the person was Ciaran. I started to go red, knowing he'd probably saw me throw spaghetti at the wall, but i saw he was standing next to Max. This is so great, i'm so happy right now. Ha ha NO. I'm just imagining how my brother probably acted when he opened the door - i started to cringe at the thought. "Yes, but had to make sure it was cooked." I snapped at him, surprising myself at the anger in my tone. I was quite annoyed at the fact he didn't text my he was on his way or at least a hello. He just smirked at me as Max took him into the dining room, this only made me more annoyed. I was debating on spitting in his food but thought that was abit too cruel, also i'm not a psycho. Oh well, hopefully he talked to me more at dinner.

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