act nine, scene two

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He looked right at me, probably in shock too. I stopped breathing for a sec, my heart starting to race. My flight or fight has been triggered. Do i run? Or do i stay? Number one sounds best. "Hey," He breathes out to me, in awes that it's actually me. I was ready to head for the door, turning my heel. "Alex, wait," he yelled at me, speeding up to block the door. "I don't ever want to speak to you Ciaran." I declared to him, looking down trying to leave but he's clearly blocking the door. "Can i please talk to you?" he begs me, trying to look me in the eyes. "Leave me alone." "Please give me 1 minute to speak to you." he continues to beg, i open my mouth to say no, "please," i could see how desperate he was to talk to me so i guess it couldn't hurt letting him speak. I stand still and look up at him, signalling he could talk. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, please know that. I got scared and insecure, i've never liked anyone like you before. I was afraid you would be put off with being away from you. You were at uni, doing your thing and i was doing my own. I didn't want you to sacrifice that for me." he explains to me. I understand where he's coming from but there was no need for the way he acted.

"Okay but that doesn't explain why you went all cold on me and made me feel so disgusting and used. What you did was horrible." I argue back with him, tears forming in my eyes. I was shocked at my confidence in the situation but i realised i was still tipsy so that helps. "I never wanted you to feel that way, i'm sorry." I scoff at him, not believing a word he was saying. "Goodbye now." I tell him, trying to exit again, him blocking the way. "I don't want to lose you again." he whispers to me trying to hold my chin so i can look at him; i just refuse and turn my head. "Please look at me." he tries again and this time i turn and look at him. His eyes were desperate and sorry, like he really didn't mean to hurt me. He looks straight into my eyes, scanning for any sight or emotion, then he leans in. He slowly leans in towards me and kisses me. And i let him. Either it be the fact that i'm not completely sober or the fact that i'm still desperately in love with him, i kiss back.

a/n imagine his voice is a mix between the cookie monster and kevin from the office

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