act nine, scene one

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It's been around 2 months since Boston. I've moved on with my life and i'm a more happier person. My life really got better when we were told that the forensic psychology department were offered a trip to LA to study more into actual criminals. Four of us were picked and me and my best friends were in that mix. This was like my dream and it will look good for my finals.

I land in LA and i'm beyond excited, this trip is once in a lifetime and i'm here. I get to go to conferences and meetings and talk with some fascinating people. Also the best part is we get to observe interviews with criminals and use our knowledge to assess why they choice violence. I was with 4 other of my course mates as well as Miss Anderson, so i wasn't alone and feel more safer with them here. One of my close friends Dixi was with me, we had met in this course 2 years ago and have been close ever since and is truly one of my best friends. Only downfall was that Dixi's boyfriend as in the group as well, Pete. They abit on the ropes atm so she wanted to rekindle that bond, which leads to her accidentally forgeting about me sometimes, which i understand. However due to these two love birds being together, they decided to share a room together, leave me on my own. I was gonna shared with the other kid, Zoe, but she kind of has fits at night so Miss Anderson has to take care of her and share with her. So i'm here in my room, all alone. It was quite a spacey room, surprised at how the uni even had the money for it but i wasn't complaining. I was getting ready to have a nice long sleep due to jet lag and getting here around 6 at night but Dixi enters my room. "What are you doing? Get ready!" she announces, all excited. "Get ready for what?" i question her as she as well should be getting a nice long sleep. "We are going out." She says as a matter of fact. Bruh is she mad. No way in hell. "Where to?" "Well apparently night life is great in LA." She wants to go clubbing, i'm in shock. It's around 9 at night and she wants to go clubbing. "First of all, i'm pretty sure that's against the rules. And second of all, no." I laugh at her, she is mad man. "Okay who cares about rules? And well be back in the morning, so we still have our lovely day ahead of investigating killers." She grabs me, jumping abit on her feet. "Dix, i don't think it's a goo-" "We won't drink much, plus i don't even get hung over, neither do you. Just please. Pete is already asleep and i wanna go out." She was begging me at this point, i felt bad saying no. Also abit of fun can never hurt. "Fine, fine but we go home at 2." i warn her before we even go out. She starts jumping in the air with glee as i go get changed.

I wasn't wearing anything special, only some jeans and a laced shirt, along with a jacket cause i can bet it's gonna be cold. We had to be quiet going out cause we would get told off if we snuck away, and rightful so since there was only 4 of us. Dixie recommend this club that was fun but still chill so we could sit down and chat as well as get up and bust a move hehe. When we got in, i didn't even get ID, which i was pretty shocked at since i get ID for everything. We walk in and it was how she described, fun but chill, still triggered hidden epilepsy that i didn't know i had til now. We go order our drinks and i get my personal fav, sex on the beach hehe, and we find a table to sit and talk as the alcohol enters our system. She rants about Pete for a solid 5 minutes and how she feels that he is distancing himself from her and how annoyed she is at him, blah blah. I tried telling her that not the case but it went in one ear and out the other.

The night continued and let's just say the rule about not drinking to much went south cause me and Dixie were gone. "Might just get with someone. Right here. Right now." Dixie suggested, looking around the room to see if there is anyone that catches her eye. "Ehm i don't think that's a good idea." I warn her, i'm not gonna let her do something stupid. "Why not? Pete isn't giving me any attention anyways. Sooooooo..." She trails off, still looking. "But he still loves you. And you're loyal. At least break up with him first." I didn't want Pete and Dixie to be fighting the whole trip if she does decide to snog some random lad. That would be hell. "Ugh you're right. But you can get a lad." She says all excited, i was gonna vomit in my mouth. I will never speak to a boy again, after what happened last time. She knows about the whole Ciaran ordeal, and she was pretty gobsmacked when i told her; ready it hit someone but i got over it. Not really but besides the point. "I don't think so." I scoffed at her stupid idea. "Oh come on, not all men are trash. Pete isn't." "You just said-" "Shhh that doesn't matter. What matters is we get you a man." After that she pulls me up to start dancing and i was too gone to sit down still, and to tell her no.

We danced for a while but Dixie found some lad that she started to dance with. There was no point in stopping her, i tried to warn her but she just shimmed off away. I decided it was time for a long wee so i headed off the the toilets. Except i had no clue where the toilets were so i just walked anywhere. Turns out i walked outside in the smoking area at the back of the building, unsure how i had it here. I'll just settle for some fresh air instead. I lean against the wall and just take some breathes to try and sober myself up, it was kind of working. I had my vision back at least. I looked around and see i am greeted by someone else, smoking away; probably unsure i'm here. The figure looked oddly familiar and i assume its gonna be Drake or Brad Pitt or some shit, which would be a great story to tell the grandkids. But as the person turned around, i was faced with my worst fear. Ciaran.

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